Language grants us access to the realm it describes. If we
can speak of it - we can journey there. Astrology, the original language of inter-relatedness, happily wedding science and myth, is a Mystery School, guiding us to cultivate each Intelligence symbolized by a planet.
We begin in April with woofy Mars and journey all the way to November the realm of spicy positive intrigue, dangerous in a good way Mars. Let’s cultivate the qualities within and without, whereby to navigate the wild shape-shifting journey of now, being maximally
Let us be ever more effective players on the Team of Creation by reuniting activism with Animism, as the triumphant necessary alliance.
May humans be willing to humbly partner with Nature's Guiding Evolutionary Genius (aka Trickster!)
Let us be Artists of Atmosphere, gathering to cultivate an ever
expanding repertoire of ingenious response, and to spiral it forth into the Memosphere (a primary realm of influence for the Compassionate Trickster within us all.) Let's practice being agents of cool response in a hot reactive world
Situation so dire - we can't afford the luxury of realism. The Miraculous Impossible is the only way to go."Agains all odds" are the odds that Trickster likes. Live the desirable story. We are not going to be smoked on our strong suits of story,
language, symbolism, nor leave the opportunities so generously proffered to us - to be animated by default by the dementors of doom, bless their sociopathic hearts...