Trickster Medicine & Astrological Magic - free call Saturday

Published: Wed, 03/23/16

On Saturday, March 26, the day before Easter, Saturn stationing, ("Internal dedication magnetizes external opportunity") I, Caroline Casey,  will further animate Trickster, who liberates us from doom and gloom during my FREE online event:

Trickster Medicine & Astrological Magic:
Becoming an Agent for Liberation
​​​​​​​& a Co-operator with Nature’s GuidingGenius
Trickster is the keeper of democracy, the antidote to tyranny!
(and stealth recruiting for my imminent 7 month course, via Shift Network - Trickster Mystery Shift
Wednesday April 13th- Wednesday November 9th, the day after the American election - woo-hooo)
Democratic Animism, Pragmatic Mysticism, Applied Divination…astrological language as intrinsic Mystery School, for cultivation of all of our skills,
and in cahoots with:
"Situation so dire we can't afford the luxury of "realism."
Trickster Magic is the magic that comes in dangerous times.
Now is a dangerous time.

The only "news " to trust is (not the muggle "news", but the) 
The Mythic News! (to understand rhe mythic themes running through what passes for "news," whereby to be ever more effective players on the team of creation
Let us journey together to animate all of our skills to partner with Nature's Guiding Genius (aka - Trickster)...
Encouraging all forms of experimental cahooting dedicated to collective well- being, as in the apocryphal and historic tales of 17th c. Dr. John Dee, scientist, occultist, confident of the Queen, credited with rousing the storm that sunk the Spanish Armada, and the Wizaeds and witches of England gathering during WWII with the governments encouragement to "raise a cone of power, to protect England…
Let's, without presumption or hubrus, and with much more Trickster, aspire to influence our collective dream...
The More the Merrier the Magic…
Awooooooo! Yip-Yip!

Caroline Casey | Coyote Network News | | 831-687-9475