Eclipse Equinox Mythic News

Published: Thu, 03/17/16

Yo, team, at last, the Pisces specials (note we are now booking into May, to avoid any Piscean waily-waily disappointment.All readings occur at perfect time. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.)

10 readings for anyone with Sun, Moon or Rising in Pisces,
a mere $200 (usually $300)
Purchase here and then enter code  PISCES2016  on check-out
and 10 readings for anyone
at $260…
Purchase here and then enter code  EQUINOX  on check-out
Best time ever to be a Pisces. Exile is over. The deepest, most exiled parts of us are increasingly welcome. Whew. The time is now.

(I will be attending, and invited to contribute a short tale at the very end of a very long beautiful day.)  

Call of the Forest Conference
Point Reyes Station, California
March 19th

(I hosted 3 of their presenters on radio, Diana Beresford-Kroeger, Brock Dolman, Betsy Damon, in which we touted the conference into “sold out.” They have a waiting list.)

That Conference segues wonderfully into my cahoot at Commonweal

Vernal Eclipse
Scheherezade Convening
Trickster Medicine Story-Telling
(must register, as the park only allows 200 people…
We are a little more than half full,
and I haven’t told anyone - yet-until now!)
Bolinas, California
March 20th 4-6 pm


Lunar Eclipse Eve -
Woo-Hoo- Electing Flora-Fauna 
(our candidate, we are inaugurating - no matter what)
March 22nd - 7 pm pt
Open Secret San Rafael, California
Call Open Secret for tickets: 

in both of which I will be distinctly animating the guiding strategic themes for this Wild Spring, that the I Ching (Stephen Karcher’s wondrous version, swirled with Wilhelm’s) 
describes as "retreat is over- great strength takes the field. Come out of retirement. Rousing action." "The ideal Realising Person refects this by allowing the invigorating force to break through established codes of action. A new cycle is beginning. Disentangle yourself from the past."
“The cause for sorrow disappears…Obstacles vanish and you can do what you want. The past simply disappears. Drive on. There is nothing holding you back…Put your shoulders to the wheel and do great things that are in you to do…"
Temporary stuckness is an illusion. Turn all adversaries into allies.
Stuckness becomes an ally whereby to be still and gather our wits.

This Equinox makes dynamic equilibrium available…Stillness from which action emerges…Inward calm, is the way to go…(all imprisoning reactivity into the compost pile, to become nutrient for a garden of beautiful liberating responses.
In this way we ally with Nature’s Evolutionary Ingenuity, aka, Trickster, found in all things…

(My friend Greg)
Saturn in Sagittarus reminds us that Syncretism is a Sacramant… We are distilling our uniqueness from the journey of our vast expansive curiosity- collaged into our uniqueness…
to be brewed now…as we get ready to set forth on our Caravan of Dreams

Ally-Ally in-come-free
A great tide of the exiled sacred in everyone - returning, with great vitality. This is the time for which we were born - who brought what to this now? Everyone has inumerable unique Trickster gifts to contribute… The Coy-Wolf be one of our guiding Animals. Saturn trines Uranus. Wolves and Coyotes are mating, with some dog dna in the mix. Wolves are highly Saturn, structured supportive pack. Coyotes bring ingenious adaptability to the mix. And dogs bring a willingness to cooperate with hmans So we want a supportive pack in which to cultivate our uniqueness. Co-operators are standing by!
Allying ourselves with Nature’s Guiding Genius - is the way to go. "The Way is open.” “Whatever you want to do will be successful. This begins a flourishing time."
I am just finishing my Way of the Trickster 7 week course via the Shft Network, and I gotta say (I had to release my resistance to marketing) - and praise their incredible reach… magnetizing a fantabulous truly global team of Cahooters, from Beirut, Damascus (yes the internet is better since the war - trippy), Brazil, Germany, England, France, Iceland, Australia, Canada, all over U.S. and more! all dedicated to contributing gifts to the world…

All 398 of them will segue into my on-going Trickster Training Council for a month beginning March 22nd
(When I will be in Bolinas, convening call with guest Permaculture allies, Penny Livingston and John Glavis)

and which everyone is welcome to join for a season.

April 13th, I begin a seven month adventure with the Shift Network - Compassionate Trickster Mystery School - Caravan of Dreams (that journeys through November 23rd, the day before Thanksgiving. May there be much for which to give thanks) so that we can journey through this wild time together, teasing all spiritual and intellectual practice into our dedication to collective well-being (aka politics, what politics is meant to be.) Will be sending more info on this soon.

And register now for a
March 26!
offered through the Shift Network 

Enthused to cahoot in person, and or virtually…
All Positive Woof, as we are dedicating to being agents of calm response in a hot reactive world.
and moving our emotional default setting to:




Caroline Casey | Coyote Network News | | 831-687-9475