Equinoctial Mythic News Gatherings

Published: Sun, 03/20/16

Monday night
Equinoctial Trickster Training Council
is this Monday March 21st at 6 pm pt,
(correcting previous date kerfuffle)

live from Bolinas California with guests Permaculture allies, Penny Livingston and John Glavis
(all speaking into Skype to all, may all be sufficiently skookum).

Open to our on-going Monday night
Trickster Training Council enrollees,

and welcoming for a guest month those who were enrolled in my Way of the Trickster (Trickster Medicine) course
through the Shift Network.
Mega-global team...

(a shout-out to both teams, now confluencing like streams into Rivers - into the Ocean.)
and open to anyone else who would like to enroll now (for 3 months - www.trickstertraining.com)
and so great to gather now at this Equinoctial moment, as humans have gathered for at least 25, 000 years - to invite the literal and metaphoric light of Sun - to animate the desirable story…
This Sunday (today): March 20th 4-6 pm 
at Commonweal in Bolinas, California
way cheap ($20),
but must register
(on a National Park with limit of 200, some seats still available)
Monday March 21st 
6 pm pt, 9 pm et
global telepathic virtual convening
(see above)
Tuesday March 22nd
7 pm
Open Secret Cultural Center,
San Rafael, California
Saturday March 26th
globally available
Shift Network Cahoot- talk
(and stealth recruiting for my imminent 7 month course, via Shift Network - Trickster Mystery Shift
Wednesday April 13th- Wednesday November 9th, the day after the American election - woo-hooo

Democratic Animism, Pragmatic Mysticism, Alied Divination…astrological language as intrinsic Mystery School, for cultivation of all of our skills,
and in cahoots with:
Situation so dire we can't afford the luxury of "realism."
Trickster Magic is the magic that comes in dangerous times.
Now is a dangerous time.

The only "news" to trust is not the muggle "news", but the 
The Mythic News!
Let us journey together to animate all of our skills to partner with Nature's Guiding Genius (aka - Trickster)...
Encouraging all forms of experimental cahooting dedicated to collective well- being, as in the apocryphal and historic tales of 17th c. Dr. John Dee, scientist, occultist, confident of the Queen, credited with rousing the storm that sunk the Spanish Armada, and the Wizards and witches of England gathering during WWII with the governments encouragement to "raise a cone of power," to protect England…
Let's, without presumption or hubrus, and with much more Trickster, aspire to influence out collective dream...
The More the Merrier the Magic…
Awooooooo! Yip-Yip!

- Caroline
(all Pisces people specials already swooshed up, but a few discounts for astrological readings - $260 for an astrological reading with Caroline (usually $300) - now booking into May...

Purchase here and then enter this coupon code: EQUINOX  in the shopping cart when you are checking out.

Caroline Casey | Coyote Network News | www.CoyoteNetworkNews.com | 831-687-9475