Cultivating Trickster Medicine

Published: Wed, 02/03/16

Time for All Trickster Allies to Confluence at this Time of Dire Beauty
this is one form/forum:

Trickster Medicine:
Convening Coyote Council 

astro*mytho*politico navigational guidance for the wild ride ahead

7 week Cahoot begins February 3rd 
8 pm est
5pm pst

(and recorded for whenever one can’t make the live call,
and transcripts - Holy Moly)

(I have a kinned affection for those who skid in "late")

And if you are skidding in after the first call,
or want to share this with an ally, no worries,
people are welcome to enroll and jump in
for next two weeks…

 We begin Mid-Winter, when Persephone lights her candle and begins ascending from the Underworld and we with her.
Co-operators are standing by! Some are mythological. Some are ancestral, fictional, historic, in fairy tales, and detective novels.

Convening each Wednesday (Mercury’s Day) journeying together through the path that Coyote unfurls before us.

Cultivating our wiley skill-set whereby to “dree our weird,” “to play our role in Destiny.” To magnetize, animate, and contribute our considerable gifts to the world, in a manner that is replenishing.

All be an experiment.

Think of the Divine as a large Coyote, bowing down in front of us, “Woof-woof-wanna-play?!
Dangerous in a good way. Compassion with sizzle and spice.

Our customized unique Trickster self  loves against*all*odds* - so now is perfect.
As Lewis Hyde said, “Coyote is lucky if enough conmen show up to school her/him.”
We are very lucky!

No matter what, where ere we be: Aizon!
(an Amharic word: the Reciprocal Blessings exchanged for support and encouragement when embarking on a difficult journey.)

(Coyote dis-claimer: some of the language-imagery etc. on the Shift page is a curious mix of me tossed into the Shift marketing whirly-gig exhortational scrambler …just discern your way through, and, if necessary, pull out your conniption fit-harumphitude composter, and see if the under-lying gist resonates)

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Caroline Casey | Coyote Network News | | 831-687-9475