Trickster Shift - Free Call! Carousing 1.23.16

Published: Wed, 01/13/16

Trickster Medicine:
Coyote Convening Council
of Cultural Influence
World is Raging - so let's be the balm!

a free on-line event:

Saturday, January 23, 2016

10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern

Trickster Medicine: 
Liberating Self -Liberating World

Calling All Culture Doctors, Public Dreamers, Artists of Atmosphere, Visionary Activists, Mystics, Grumpy Secular Skeptics, all fellow aspiring agents of the Compassionate Trickster, 

at this time of Dire Beauty (“situation so dire, we can’t afford the luxury of realism.”)

as we head into the roiling tumult of Winter 2016, let’s activate our rousing rollicking responses (compost our reactive conniption fits.)

Nature’s evolutionary ingenuity (aka trickster) is seen in Coyote, Raven, seeds that sprout after cataclysm, all that loves life triumphing against*all *odds. Granny WeatherWax says , "million to one chances crop up nine times out of ten," when one’s heart is dedicated. Trickster Medicine is the sine qua non, because it renders all the other Medicines (dedications) effective..

I am partnering with the Shift Network, for this free call , followed by a seven week virtual course (via phone or web, and recorded for those that can’t make the live cahoot. Wednesdays 5 pm PT, 8 pm ET)

Magnetizing a wildly diverse council (of guides: political, permaculture, economic, spiritual, fairy tale, enneagram, cross-dressing Rabbis, Feminist Imams, astrologers, scientific secularists, smattering of conservatives.) Differences make things happen.

Join us, to animate

Sane Reverence Assuming Cultural Narrative Lead

  • Better a Trickster than a Martyr Be!
    Let’s become more effective Renaissance participants
    by metabolizing family and cultural toxins-with Trickster help!

  • Discern the difference between the Con-Man and the Trickster (the latter liberates us from the former).

  • Cultivate metaphoric agility - that our language,story and metaphor be in accord with our dedicated hearts. (do we really want to make things “ concrete"? Do we really want to have an “impact,” a short violent encounter? as opposed to a long curving influence? “Imp-act,” more fun.
    Are we really gonna “fight” (a hot word) global catastrophic heating? or rather engage the best of each human to co-operate with Nature’s Guiding Genius (a little long, but we have time).

  • Pragmatic Mysticism. Let all natural facts be social strategy metaphors. The more we slow water down, the faster water infiltrates. As we gather to slow down, the faster and deeper we infiltrate. To be an ally of water, be like water. To be an ally of wolves, be more like wolves…and so on.

Let’s cahoot on Saturday, January 23, as I present a Free online event: Trickster Medicine: liberate self, liberate world

a  rousing rollicking one-hour virtual talk, guiding us to the Coyote Path unfurling before us, Mid-Winter to Spring 2016, 

what qualities do we most want to cultivate to be effective agents of Reverent Renaissance rising from the rubble of collapsing empire.


Caroline (W Casey)

host weaver of context for The Visionary Activist Show

Chief Trickster at

(a mythological news service for the trickster redeemer within us all)

Caroline Casey | Coyote Network News | | 831-687-9475