Trickster Shift and Aquarius Specials

Published: Mon, 01/25/16

Mercury Stationing at the Cross-Roads!

Yo Team,

Trickster meets Marketing, creating a quirky but pertinent rip-tide….

The storm here outside DC, was, in our hood, miraculously beautiful and kind... Industrialism and normal time - completely shut down…Over-ruled by Big Nature. All - so quiet…

and -yet- the heat stayed on!!!! 

So I loved this, storm…In this quiet, deep changes were/are possible. Trickster made it clear: willing to both transcend and operate through all realms…

So, in the below talk, both I and head of Shift, increasingly good sport, Stephen Dinan, (he chortles) went completely off script, and just flew along on own mad cavort.

In the build-up to the storm, I confess, my heart was gripped by fear, for the safety of critters, especially my tropical fish. I went around trying to buy or rent a generator, just to keep the fish tank going. But, ’twas not possible. I avoided most commercial panic.

Applied Divination: I picked Dory Midnight’s tarot card “Lucky Penny.” So thought: trickster said “you won’t need to spend money you don’t have on this.”  And thought, either that’s true, and even if it’s not - it’s the attitudinal choice of preference.

Weather stripping windows, keeping fire and soup going…Praying for heat to stay on, very much against*all*odds (cause our local utility has lost power previously if someone so much as sneezed, never mind nearly 3 feet of snow and high winds.)

Thinking that twas almost hubristic to pray for power to stay on - so unlikely….

Very unlikely grace of power - available!

As the 30 continuous hours of strong snow unfolded- beauty increased… And I realize that if my mind had not been mediated by media - I would have been even more happily myself.

Media mediates (and mostly to increase dread),

but if we just stick one more “t”in mediates - we get


So we are here to be the media that puts the “t” back in “mediation.”

Mercury stations and resumes apparent forward motion today  (4:50 pm est), with the Full Moon Leo-Aquarius tide behind us. This is the Moon that reminds us that the health of any group depends on how gladly it encourages the unique contribution of the quirkily creative individual. And vice versa, that the health of the quirkily creative individual depends on a happy embrace of and by kindred team. Ally-ally-in-come- free. Calling all creative beings to return from exile.

This is the truly the Time for Trickster Medicine!

So, with authentic enthusiasm, encourage listening to below free talk, and if so moved by inner intuitive whim, to enroll in Trickster Medicine 7 week course.

Everything now is valid, only to the extent that it guides us to our own autonomy.

Mercury is heading forward for yet another conjunction with Pluto. (Friday night-Saturday morning) So much life-death traffic.

Even Stephen Levine, one of the kindest guides to considering death (his book “Who Dies,” offers profound navigational solace) - has died just now. So even the death guide has died. So we’re all here now…

This Winter calls to us to convene a parallel council of the beloved dead. We cannot live through the dead - but we can invite the dead to live through us. Pathways between invisible and visible worlds - opening ever wider.


And so proffering to quirky Aquarians (the outsider - who constellates community)  the Carolingian special - 10 offerings of a reading with me for any Sun, Moon, or Rising Aquarius -for bargain rate of $200 (instead of usual $300)

Purchase reading here and then enter code:
DAWNINGAGE in shopping cart.

and ten readings for any old non-Aquarian wise fool for $260

We are booking into March now.

Purchase reading here and then enter code:
WISEFOOL in shopping cart.

The Sun’s degree today is “A performer in a ritual mystery play.” That would be all of us - here to “dree our weird” - “to play our role in destiny.”

As a wise woman said, "Listen for your Destiny - and when it calls - release your plans!” - and opinions!

And, as always, we are moving our emotional default setting to “Woof-Woof-Wanna-Play?!"

-Caroline (W. Casey)


The Backstage Gods are smiling at this moment — immediately following our Trickster Medicine event with the inimitable and truly brilliant Caroline Casey!

Why is this?

Because Caroline’s metaphorical wizardry unleashed the Trickster’s wild unpredictability, filling us with laughter, joy, and real insight into the human condition (and how to shift it). It’s JUST what the Gods ordered for our personal and collective liberation.

Did you miss this rollercoaster ride of liberating insights?

Well, put your linear-thinking cap back on and mark your calendar for the encore on Monday!


Trickster Medicine: Liberating Ourselves to Liberate Our World (At This Time of Dire Beauty)

With Caroline Casey Visionary Activist Astrologer
& Chief Trickster

5:30pm Pacific | 8:30pm Eastern

Monday, January 25

Click here to access the webcast.

Or dial +1-425-440-5100 and enter the PIN 862166#

I LOVE the way Caroline encourages breaking out of the “ghettos of agreement” using wordplay, metaphor and story. So that we can delight in rather than fear the unknown. And instead of condemning those we don’t agree with or who harm us, we can heal these rifts with myth, metaphor and play.

Ornery, creative and disobedient, Trickster invites us to turn the stories we tell ourselves about the past and future on their silly heads. Boohoo doomsday becomes “This is my divine assignment and I can’t wait to play!”

Mixing astrology, politics, ecology, biology, and evolutionary spirituality with a few doses of scientific research for good measure, Caroline defies any single title or teaching.

She is one of a kind to be sure. A wordsmith of epic dimensions. An astrologer of great wisdom and skill. And a political activist of the Trickster variety who can woo even the staunchest partisan away from cherished convictions.

She is also a spiritual guide who guides us to become our most authentic selves and express our greatest gifts.

And today’s online event with her barely skimmed the surface of the adventure in store if you decide to accept her invitation to engage in a more lasting liberation, through her exciting new program with The Shift Network!

It’s called the Way of the Trickster, and it offers a 7-week journey in freeing your mind, words, and soul in service to giving the world your greatest gifts more artfully.

You can find all the details, here: Way of the Trickster with Caroline Casey

In a world burdened with heaviness and heartbreak, it is the time for Trickster to lift our spirits and create change in a more magical way. Caroline has spent more than 30 years building the stage for us to dance with this unexpected, potent reflection of the Divine.

Do join us for the encore with her this Monday, January 25! 

with love, 

Stephen Dinan

Caroline Casey | Coyote Network News | | 831-687-9475