Aha! Team o aspiring Trickster Agents!
’tis such a deep time: “A person in deep gloom - unnoticed a glowing circle of angels surrounds them.”
Alone, we can be that person - Together we are the glowing circle of angels.
All of Nature awaits our dedicated wonder and willingness to to re-join the Choreography of Creation Circle, and to glow, in our experimental willingness to cahoot with all sensually incarnate flora and fauna, and all invisible back-stage spirits awaiting incarnational invitation.
This Christmas
This Winter
Now is the Time of Incarnational Mystery. Co-operators are standing by. The
astro*mytho*guiding* meta-story is so heartening, encouraging the Venusian Trickster Redeemer to be born in each of our hearts on Christmas Day (Uranus-Trickster Redeemer against all odds ingenuity stations to go forward 10:53 pm est December 25th)
…And for Bonus Points 'tis a Full Moon that day, whose image is “A Party
of Campers packing their canoe at twilight - the ability to navigate dark waters.” Woo-hoo, team.
Glowing angels and wolves and coyotes and wombats etc- we are all packing our canoes together. Here we go…..
Tonight! The more the merrier the magic:
That we may be agents of Sane Reverence assuming Cultural Narrative Lead,
becoming Artists of Atmosphere-conjuring the atmosphere where the desirable can happen…
Cultivating our uniqueness, that we may each
“dree our weird,”
play our role in Destiny.