Mythic News*Solstice* Scorpio-Sagittarius bargains*events*radio

Published: Mon, 11/30/15

Yip-Yip! Fellow Aspiring Agents for the Compassionate Trickster Within Us All

at this Solstice Time of Dire Beauty etc.

So crucially good to gather now, in myriad forms.

The Venusian Trickster Redeemer is eager for incarnational invitation to bound onto the world stage. Uranus (Ingenuity Intelligence) stations from inward to outward on Full Moon Christmas Day.

The Magi call out - “it’s a girl!"

"What quality of this adventure would we like to cultivate in our dedicated hearts?”- the back-stage gods would like to know.

Climate Talks begin now, everything real, everything symbolic: our task as Artists of Atmosphere is to create the metaphoric climate to  come into collaborative accord with the literal climate, by dedicating ourselves to cahoot with Guiding Genius of Nature...

(who dons one metaphoric template as the Trickster, the quality of Intelligence that comes alive within all beings, at an against-all-odds-time.)

Nature says: “We gotta either kill the humans - or heal them. Let’s try healing them first.”

We’ll help them out by playing to their strong suits: gathering at Solstice Time to magnetize power to animate an irresistible, all-inclusive guiding meta-story.

The Climate Talks in Paris end on December 11th, a New Moon in Sagittarius (global story-telling) at the climate crisis degree (Sabian Symbol): “Men cutting ice for Summer Use- cyclical foresight, co-operative projects.” (and John Kerry’s birthday -let’s bless him with team accomplishment.) So Sane Reverence wants to happen.

If we entertain the possibility that co-operators are standing by-

that we are all sailing into a field of increased available serendipitous synchronicity

(o, and windfalls of wherewithal, for all worthy ventures, what the hell?!)—

it behooves, each of us to consider the angle of our sails of willingness, that the Winds of Change, roiling across the globe, may connect us with the desirable.

Yip-Yip and Woo-Hoo Team- this is it- here we go!

Aizon! (Amharic word- “support and encouragement to embrace the challenge of embarking on a difficult journey!”)


Mean while:

*We wafted by the Scorpios, so skookum for now, crisis calms them down..  so we are offering 5 Scorpio readings (Sun, Moon or Rising) at $200 (usual $300)

go to

and enter code PHOENIX on checkout.

* Saturn is in Sagittarius now-dedicated syncretism, informed creative tolerance be one of their Medicines to brew:

10 Sagittarian readings (Sun, Moon or Rising) at $200

go to

and enter code ARCHER  on checkout

*10 readings for anyone, who wants to gather their wits and contribute there gifts.. at $260 (usually $300)

go to

and enter code WINTER  on checkout

(Inviting faith in fun: All will be scheduled to coincide with me, Caroline, at perfect time - We are now scheduling into January.

Protocol: purchase puts one in scheduling queue…)

I will be doing a home-town DC live event to honor the Winter Solstice

on Friday December 18th at 7:00 pm

(doors open at 6:30 pm)

$20 in advance

Sign up here

or $23 exact cash or check at door

with great Irish Music:

the duo of Tina Eck and Keith Carr: Lilt (providing, depth and rousing up-lift)

at adorable intimate magical venue:

Institute for Spiritual development

5419 Sherier Pl NW, Washington, DC 20016



on the actual night of the Winter Solstice:
one night passes to our Trickster Training Council
Monday December 21st

6 pm pst, 9 pm est,

via phone, web or audio skype,

for $23…

Register here!

Visionary Activist Show December 3, 2015
2 pm pst, 5 pm est
On-Going Blessing Beauty Poker: Caroline again hosts beautiful ally Deborah Felmeth unfurling her book Syria - Remember Me, that we may keep intimacy with the people, the culture, the land, of Syria; seeing beauty emerging from the rubble. By remembering...we contribute to  re-weaving the magic carpet that has been torn asunder. Wherever there be uninitiated Mars-rampant and destructive, let Venus-Beauty and kinship arise to guide us to global renaissance.

Caroline Casey | Coyote Network News | | 831-687-9475