Virgo Mythic News - and bargains!

Published: Tue, 08/25/15


Yo Team:

Here’s the e-mail sent for last night's Trickster Training Council, 

good for all of us now wherever we be...


Guardian Angel watches Over Couple in Wilderness  illumined by Waxing Moon


and also, we offer the first ten people with Sun, Moon or Rising in Virgo, an astrological reading with Caroline, moi, for the amazing bargain of $200, instead of $300…

Submit form here

enter coupon code "VIRGO2015" on checkout
and offers the first ten anyone an astrological reading for $260, instead of $300

Submit form here

enter coupon code "ANYONE" on checkout
(And scroll down to check out the current Trickster Training Council offer!)
Guardian Angel Co-Operators are standing by- eager to help us schedule our lives, to be witty agents of order rather than overwhelmed worrying ding-bats.

“Worry is not preparation,” chimes in Mark Twain, and adds “I have experienced many terrible things in my life, most of which never came to pass.”
Jupiter, at that Angelic degree, conjoining the Sun on Wednesday, Women’s Equality Day - brings order.
Small things tell Big Stories. Small changes have a Big Effect.
(“move ten things - change your life,” say Feng Shui beings)
Let’s remember Virgo is the power of the micro, hence ruler of ritual magic, and the power and play of language specificity.
Rules the whole literal and metaphoric realm of digestion.
All praise the liver and colon! 
In Africa, they are not so big on the heart - the liver is the seat of the soul. In Western Metaphysics, Bethlehem means “house of bread," which refers to the intestines, where our discernment as to what we take in as physical or metaphorical nourishment creates “kyle,” a milky white substance that actually changes the molecular structure of our bodies. So let all be a dedicated sacrament.
Sun and Jupiter in micro Virgo opposing macro Neptune, so order is invoked via wonder, and periodic space-out, reverie, entering the fairy realm.
The Moon will enter Capricorn late tonight, trining Sun and Jupiter, adding organizational structure and magic in accord with the Earth. That structure to which we are dedicated- glides into place… Deep deep deep in the core of our being, the geology of our souls, tectonic plates are gliding into place. May it be so!

There is no air in our astro*mythic guiding story, lots of hot fire and earth, so we want to tease cool, light-hearted, cavalier, whimsy and levity into the densest realms of matter. Calling in “Woof-woof-wanna-play?! as our Trickster emotional default setting.

Mars and Venus are preparing for their heliacal rise in the East before dawn, re-emerging together from the Underworld, trining Trickster Uranus (on its course to station direct on Christmas Day, truly the birth of the Trickster Redeemer bounding onto world stage, of which this rising is a presaging…)

So, a great thing to do this week: Many traditions encourage making a teensy micro model of a desirable creative conjuring, like a tiny book, that one takes out into Nature and leaves as a gift for the fairy realm, ensuring manifestation.

And more fun like that!
A member of our Trickster Training Council suggested a one-time offering of a “family and friends plan,” which is a witty encouragement, so here we go…

Experiment experiment experiment:

For this week only! Step right up! - till Saturday’s Full Moon in Virgo-Pisces, calling all fellow aspiring pragmatic mystics!

For those who enroll, or re-enroll,
paying tuition this week,
they may invite 4 family members or friends to enroll at a way reduced rate….
So first trickster, or trickster to-be, would enroll,
or re-subscribe at usual rate:
$200 for 3 months or $500 for a year

and up to 4 friends who are up for this play,
would pay $100 for 3 months,
or $203

(just for the magical quirky fun of numbers)
for a year of rollicking deep delving pragmatic magic for world-improvement:


Monday night Trickster Training Council call
at 6 pm pt, 9 pm et
(and recorded for those who can’t make the call)
and access to our secret Trickster Council Facebook page,
( not necessary, guided by intuitive whim)
if one was up for such.


Once you have subscribed or re-subscribed, send us the names and contact info for your lucky friends/family, and we will send them an invoice to be paid via Paypal or Credit card or check…

Remember that all enrolled Tricksters are granted access to the full archives of past, present, future recordings. 

Including the recording of tonight’s call,
which Deborah Felmeth called sublime​...


Tonight our fellow aspiring agent of the Compassionate Trickster, Deborah Felmeth contributed to our call.


Before our call I had just spoke with our fellow Trickster, Deborah Felmeth, who had guided me through Syria, and especially to the Temple of Baal.. so we had a phone call of weeping and camaraderie. She is just now completing the publishing of her book "Syria-Remember me." And had not yet heard about this destruction. She knew the 83 year old director of antiquities, who was beheaded by Daesh. She said he "embodied the pure dignity and honor of Syrian Culture.” The Temple of Baal, for 2000 years,was a Temple of Tolerance, where all representations of the Divine were welcome. Our guide told us proudly, “this is how the temple was protected, by welcoming all. And this was the physical way the temple was protected, by brass rods surrounded by lead, so that in an earthquake, the lead would liquefy and move- maintaining the structural integrity of the vast beautiful building. Scientists from all over the world came to study this ancient ingenious technology.”

Until now, o humans…

We honor grief, and seek to turn it into liberating Trickster blessing. Not so fast, as to race over loss…but just enough to dive deeply and be guided to healing medicine. 

Good Luck to All of Us, and remember, Wolves, even when they are hunted, even when they must hunt - they play every 30 minutes.





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