Scherezadian Summer Solstice Mythic News

Published: Sat, 06/20/15

Scherezadian Summer Solstice Mythic News
Wherever we are we gather to be Public Dreamers, assuming culural narrative lead, as agents of necessary awakening:
Let us magnetize, animate and spiral forth into the memosphere the astro*politico*mytho guiding meta-sytory of now.
Neptune, we're all in this dream together, guides us to the Dream News - that everything is us.

Grief: We dreamed that the uninitiated Mars ignorant White Southern part of ourselves murdered the exquisitely cultivated Black Southern parts of ourselves, in the Church of the Mother redeemer - Mother Emmanuel Church.

So it is to us to strengthen the latter and initiate the former.

Tis resonant throughout the memosphere of our collective being. Everywhere the world is being destroyed by those possessed by hyper-yang death frenzy. And yet, from deep grief arises Strong Trickster Redeemer in Myriad forms, good to gather now:
Tonight! Scheherezadian Synchronous Serendipitous Symbiotic Summer Solstice
of the astro*mytho*politico guiding meta-story

Saturday June 20 7:00 pm
San Rafael, California
($20 in advance - $30 at the door)

daunting harrowing-heartening- Moon-Jupiter-Venus- dazzling- presiding over Malarchy-archy
the only Trickster encouraged archy

It behooves us to animate the desirably opportune
metaphors so generously proffered

Coyote Network News magnetizing, animating and
​spiraling forth fierce blessings into the memosphere -
since Mythic Pre-History
Scheherezadian High Tea -
Monday June 22 8:30 pm,
​Fairfax, CA
room for only 40 humans, myriad spirits.

Medicine Council of Reciprocal Blessing Tricksters-
aligning with the astro*politico*mytho guiding narrative-
That we be its messengers and embodied agents.
May our language, story, metaphor be in accord
with our dedicated hearts.
Gather woof, swoosh and sizzle, with fairy tea.

KPFA Summer Solstice Fair

Sunday June 21st
Craneway Pavilion
Richmond California Waterfront

I shall be hanging out around my favorite beings
Al Qemi booth 516,
and available for cavoring
2 pm - 3 pm
in the "Donor Tent/Room/Something…
Deja-Voodoo-High John Eve -
June 23rd - 7:00 pm
Something Somewhere
​(probably a small council in Bolinas, e-mail if interested)

Mystery event on this most sacred of nights in New Orleans tradition, when High John (Trickster Redeemer Folk Hero of the South) and Marie Lavaeu (great Voodoo Queen of New Orleans) walk among us again. (They are both Coyote Network News Southern Mythological Bureau Chiefs…

offering of Trickster $'s
Honoring Solstice, may we all feel encouraged, supported (as we fall back into the embrace of Big Momma) and fed "People need stories more than they need bread."

2 slots remaining... Cancers (Sun, Moon, and/or Rising Sign)
(remembering late Jayj Jacobs, fabulous quip, "A Cancer's just a Scorpio in a house-coat.")
can have a full reading with me/Caroline
(usually $300, for first ten - $200, and Cancers are cheap - I mean thrifty.)

I'm a cancer, sign me up!

Solstice special thrift for 1st ten (a few remaining) beings of any sign or planetary origin - a reading, with me, convening the full council of you!
(usually $300, first ten - $260)

Yes, register me for this reading special!

We're for Pope being Eco-Wolf!
“For this, Pope Francis has been excoriated by right-wing critics as “a Marxist,” “an eco-wolf in Pope’s clothing” (points for bonkers metaphors),”

a Great article!:

Wowza Jon Stewart- Bravo:

followed by
embodiment of guiding sky story, Venus-Peace rendezvousing with Jupiter-education

and all presided over by this beautiful dramatic heartening sky story:

Yip Yip!



Many ways to cahoot:

Coyote Network News