Create Theatre or Live Melodrama Leo specials comes early! Astro*Mythic News

Published: Sat, 07/11/15

Hail fellow aspiring agents of the Compassionate Trickster! 

The Compassionate Trickster Scheherezade is on her change of heart tour, recruiting in the Underworld.
(We see it all around us…tis the story to devote our vote.)

“Create theatre or Live Melodrama,” says Leo.

The Sun does not enter Leo until 8:31 pm pdt on July 22nd,
but due to guiding kerfuffles, (may all kerfuffles incite us to ever more frolicsome dancing.)

I am offering the Leo specials early:

*First ten Leo Sun, Moon or Rising
a fantabulous reading with me, 90 minutes convening (recorded)
(via phone, skype or in person, outside DC)
the full inner democracy of you: to cultivate, magnetize, animate, and tease into pertinence our  unique contribution to the team of creation.
Use Coupon "LEO" in shopping cart

*and for all those not lucky enough to be Leos
(or after those ten spots are scarfed up by fiery enthusiasts) -
Use Coupon "LAMMAS" in shopping cart


And for all - gratis:
this Thursday’s July 16th
Visionary Activist Show, 2 pm pdt

(kpfa in Berkeley 94.1 FM and web-cast and podcast

I will host John Michael Greer, my favorite erudite, cultural strategist, deep discerning wizard, whom I quote (and attribute) often…(“If you want people to get nothing done but conflict - convince them they are on one side of anything. What 2 needs is 3," the unifying-guiding story. In this we are in complete cahooting accord.

John Michael Greer is a scholar of ecological history and an internationally renowned futurist whose blog, The Archdruid Report, has become one of the most widely cited online resources dealing with the fate of industrial society.  He is the author of over 30 books, including Green Wizardry and The Long Descent.

Mythic News pertinent to all -
Now, is dark of the Moon, (before the New Moon in Cancer on Wednesday July 15th, ever deeper dedication to protecting life; especially as Saturn stations, all Summer at 28+ Scorpio “Inca Princess pleads for the life of her children,” as we do.

Saturn retrograde now (in its last mutual reception with Pluto, for another 250 ish years) encourages deep inward gestating-growing the form for our next chapter.
(past life review time now, the Summer when everything we’ve ever done that is pertinent to “dreeing our weird”, playing our role in Destiny, - arises to haunt us in a positive way. 

Haunting Mystery be one of the atmospheres of now.

Wittily, Saturn stations-direct on August 2nd, Lammas -mid-Summer fertility harvest festival. One of the 4 cross-quarter Holy Days, Four Gates of Power, opening between worlds where “Co-Operators are Standing by!” - eager to be invited on to the Leo stage of physical reality.

Then inward dedication unfurls into the realm of manifest reality…

Meanwhile July 14th is the Pluto fly-by! when our species' tiny earth rocket, launched 9 and a half years ago, (9 steps to Underworld) arrives at destination Pluto destination. 

Many magical whimsical and profound ways to animate this metaphor.

Many now consider Pluto  a double “planet,.” Its Moon, Charon, be almost half as big as Papa/Mama.
Symbolically we get an up-close view of what Pluto represents (large in symbolism, even if small in matter) - We see into the Underworld, what humans have never seen before. And may it be a blessing of profound maturation for our dangerously ill-mannered species.

So let's journey, with jaunty pluck and reciprocal blessing, through the Underworld… So much of the pop cultural noire of now, are intention modern re-animations of Dante’s Inferno. (Dusting off my copy now, opening at random. Bibliomancy. All is Augury now 

Everything eager to converse with us, form alliances, be accomplices in positive intrigue and cultural high jinx. An intimate serendipitous sizzle is an above ground dynamic.

We will be delving animating, cahooting with all of this on our Trickster Training Council Call Monday
(this Monday and every Monday)
July 13th
6 pm pt, 9 pm et… 

All are also encouraged to enroll…
no bargain rates, cause pretty darn bargainy -

cheaper than not doing it! 

Tis one answer to our necessary query - "what qualities shall we cultivate to best navigate the Wild Dire Tragic Comedic Beauty of Now,” in order to be ever more effective players on the team of creation…to understand and embrace our role in the Mystery Play. This Summer proffers the opportunity to re-member, re-dedicate to our Original Instructions (astro*mytho*birth chart - so genius at this.) Language grants us access to the realm it describes. If we can speak of it, we can journey there. Astrology is one of the most exquisite languages, of each person’s interior psyche and its relationship to the whole big collective dream…

Confederate flag comes down at 10 am edt Friday
sacred to Venus, July 10th, as 3+Virgo was rising
= "Black and white children playing happily together."
(Mars was stationing there when George Zimmerman murdered Trayvon Martin, also stationing when George Z was born, the diabolic toxic mimic for which this be the Medicine anti-dote.)

Redskins football corporation loses its right to trademark - hee-hee - 

and so much…
More soon later

I will be presenting and MC ing a stage at
September 18-21st


Yip Yip!



Many ways to cahoot:

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