Moon Magic Mythic News & Beltane Bargains!

Published: Sat, 05/02/15

(Let's suck the "g" out of "kingdom," leaving the truth:)

The Kindom of Heaven is at hand!
(always, but especially now.)

Beauty is Magic!
Yo Team,

waxing Buddha's Full Moon (exactly full Sunday 11:42 pm ET)
at 13+ Scorpio/Taurus,
which is very witty of the world. 13+ Scorpio is the exact degree of Edward Snowden's Moon, the symbol for which is "Telephone Linemen at work installing links to other realities. The Cosmic Switch-Board!"
This is the Moon under which the Buddha (consciousness) was born, and attained enlightenment, sitting in the dirt, his spine pressed against the Bodhi Tree. We would be nothing without dirt and trees.
(Encourage listening to last few weeks radio shows on this topic, and this coming week's show featuring Kristin Ohlson, author of "Soil will Save us.")
Making something beautiful serves as an invitation for Power to enter the world…
Dedicated acts of Beauty trump tyranny.
So to honor the incarnational sensuality and animism of Taurus  We are offering, astrological readings with Caroline, for a mere $200 (rather than usual $300) to the first ten Tauruses (Sun, Moon or Rising in Taurus) who purchase:
and for everyone else, Beltane Bargains, to encourage all increasingly effective players on the team of creation,
now through May 5th (True Beltane, one of the cross-quarter Holy Days - Four Gates of Power, where magic is especially eager to be invited to bound from back-stage Green Room, onto the world stage),
offering astrological readings for $260
and of course the always wonderful Carolingian Coyote "value-pak": 4 readings for $1,000 for self, and ever deeper-delving and or as gifts.
and of course 'tis a splendid time to join our jolly, jaunty Trickster Training Council, whereby to cultivate those qualities  that allow us to navigate the wild dynamic of now. The death of old structures liberates the energy invested to be available for co-operating with Nature's Evolutionary Genius (aka Trickster.)

The Inanna myth reminds us: Those who survive the Underworld journey earn the right to be cultural agents for the Trickster Redeemer.
Enrolling now will open the path to cahooting this Monday May 4th, where we will magnetize and animate the potent possibilities of now. 

Trickster Training convenes every Monday night, by phone or web at 6 pm pt/9 pm ET (and recorded for those who can't make the live call.) Secret Facebook page, to keep the theme rolling. (No rules, just encouraging guidelines.)

Access to all Carolingian talks, before anyone else. And more!

Dion Fortune says, "No magician can work alone, too much solitude can make us un-polarized." Dedicated gathering provides the self-confidence to be effective agents of blessing the world. Come out, come out wherever you are. Tune in every Monday. (Everyone can just listen, and/or chime in with conundrum, query or blessing, before, during and after call.)
$200 for 3 months (practically cheaper than not enrolling!)

Dion Fortune, in her wonderful novel, "Moon Magic," has her protagonist, Morgan LeFay Morgan animate this Full Moon. Morgan, "Priestess of Isis in modern world", is outside, feeling all kerfuffled, nothing going right. Grumpy grrrr. She steps back into her home temple, where she sees the Buddha's Moon shining through the window, illuminating the humble vase of flowers she'd placed on her altar, with the dedication that it serve as an invitation for Isis, goddess of Nature, to re-enter the world. She suddenly feels this down-rush of power, goose-bumps (we might all feel it now.)
She understands, "it didn't matter how I was feeling or thinking. The invitation, by dedicated flowers, had clearly been accepted, and in the language of the adepts - I was back on my contacts!"
May we all create Beauty, and be "back on our contacts," for the path of synchronous serendipity unfurling before us -imminently! Windfalls of Wherewithal whirling and abounding. So let's create magnetizing receptivity for the Green Fire of Dynamic calm (part of ourselves)  to surf in on her dragon.
Magic is a willingness to cooperate with everything.

And as late great Taurus, Terry Prachett reminds us, "million to one chances crop up nine times out of ten," when our hearts are dedicated.
Let's cahoot, with dedicated hearts to invite Impossible Beauty into the world - in a manner that elicits barks of delight!
By simply adding dedication to our literal or metaphoric gardening, we animate the sweet kinship of the world.
Sensual Woof to All,

Many ways to cahoot:
Coyote Network News