Auspicious Pentecost Sunday/Monday Special

Published: Mon, 05/25/15

  Auspicious Pentecost Sunday/Monday
Woo-Hoo Fellow Aspiring agents of Compassionate Trickster

Tonight, let us elucidate and animate the wondrous generous profferings of Trickster Now, as so much conspires to help us humans rejoin the Choreography of Creation. Pentecost Sunday/Monday Let's animate: One of the better Christian into Pagan Metaphors, when the Holy Ghost, aka Compassionate Liberating Trickster, descends as a fiery Dove, on the head of each apostle, granting them the capacity to speak and understand all language. And let's expand that to include the language of plants and animals and tardygrades…(google) Let's hone all of our communication skills, at this auspicious time…
Join Caroline online Tonight and every Monday for:

The Compassionate Trickster Experimental Juju Mystery School

Convening weekly, for a one hour-ish call/web tele*coyote
Monday Nights 6 pm PT – 9 pm ET

(recorded for those who can’t attend the live call)

at which time Caroline lays out the astro-mythological-political theme memes of the week, and what qualities to cultivate to best navigate the wild tide of now.


Welcoming all  who wish to be ever more effective players on the Team of Creation at this time of dire beauty.

Mercury Retrograde Special

Now through Thursday, When Mercury squares Neptune, and we wed intellect with mythological guidance.…
​To Enroll and/or Renew

3 months for $150

(regularly $200)


1 year for $420
(regularly $500)

 And for anyone wishing to hear the recording of
last week's open council,
click here
Gemini Reading Special: 
First ten with Gemini Sun, Moon or Rising may purchase a reading with me,
usually $300, for only $200!!!  
Geminis Click Here
And for an additional 10 lucky bargain hunters Astrological readings will be discounted $40 ($260)
Other lucky beings Click Here

In tonight's council, we will report on the astounding miracle of Ireland's yes on marriage equality vote (accompanied by Rainbows!). Twas brought about by ten years of work, and now becomes an available template for the world.

Gerry Adams, head of Sin Fein said: "There are Two Irelands, the elite Ireland and the Hidden Ireland. And today the Hidden Ireland spoke." (Everyone's speaking astrology, without needing to know.)

Mythic News abounds! Iris the Rainbow Goddess, a Messenger (Who can take messages from the Underworld to Heaven and back again - because she doesn't live either place. Let's be Like Iris, the Rainbow Goddess at this time of Dire Beauty.
with Mercury and Mars in the Underworld, being initiated, square Mars…

Register Now to join the Trickster Council tonight.

woof woof,



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