Caroline W Casey Equinoctial Eclipse Persian New Year Comedic Cahoot of Mars and Venus TourCalling all those Willing to be agents of the Compassionate Trickster Redeemer at this time of Dire Beauty Magnetizing the Return of Harmonia via Pragmatic Mysticism, Democratic Animism and Applied Divination (Mars and Venus are now birthing their daughter, Harmonia, awaiting our animation, to bound onto the world stage) astro*mytho*politico*talk*ritual*interview*Cultivating the Trickster Arts of Magnetizing Metaphor into Matter, irresistible eloquence, irony, satire, repost, rejoinder, repartee, metaphoric agility, mythological literacy, power of perspicacious precision language magic, cultivating our customized Trickster Redeemer,who guides us to move our emotional default setting to
“woof-woof-wanna-play?!” Monday, March 16th 6 pm pt, 9 pm et
Caroline Cahoots with long-time astro*mytho colleague, Daniel Giamario…during the actual 7th of 7 Uranus-Pluto squares… Wild Magic possible: to toss old spells for self and world, into the cauldron, ladle out liberating blessings.
Available to all via phone and web, Participants can e-mail during the call, and chime in at the end with queries and blessings…
(and recording available soon after) $23 ************************
Magnetizing the Return of Harmonia
Saturday, March 21, 2015 2pm Commonweal, 451 Mesa Road, Bolinas, CA 94924 FREE - Reservation encouraged astro*mytho*politico*talk*ritual*interview*30 minute Carolingian talk,
followed by conversational interview with Michael Lerner, co-founder and president of Commonweal.
Click here for full event details
Saturday, March 28, 2015 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Center for Spiritual Living Santa
1818 Fell Street Santa Cruz CA 95062 Magnetizing the Return of Harmoniavia Pragmatic Mysticism, Democratic Animism and Applied
Divination(Mars and Venus birth a daughter, Harmonia, awaiting our animation, to bound onto the world stage)
w/ Troubador Bard David Lynn Grimes(encouraging the “innocent dignity of our child hearts.$20 $50 for both talk and Trickster Training Tea
Party Sunday, March 29, 2015 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm Santa Cruz CA Trickster Training Tea Party (with a purpose) deeper delving to tease forth the Vernal Strategy of Saturday night’s talk with Organic Buffet. |
| All Positive Woof,Caroline
| |