Join our Trickster Training Council Tonight Monday December 22nd, 9 pm est, 6 pm
(circa 90 minutes, and recording available afterwards) for a live Carolingian address and opportunity to cahoot, continue composting toxins into tonics, Tele*Coyote via phone, web or Skype (audio only) $23
Encouraging you to Sign up now!
Mythic News Head
line: Destiny Trumps Fate
Deepening Dark of Solstice Trickster New Moon Augury: Change Desires a Guiding Story(and an altar into which to incarnate)
We shall re-animate tonight, and throughout this Season, many of the resonant themes:
tossing old out-worn vows,
spells, language, story- into the end-of-year-cauldron, and with Coyote ladling out new conscious dedicated, playful vows, that together we shall spiral forth into the memosphere.
Trickster lexicon: The Memosphere of Collective Dream Mind be one of Trickster’s favorite back-stage realms of influence. Remember Pluto at 12+ Capricorn is “A woman sitting in front of a blazing fireplace,
the complete dedication of the self with all of its skills..
| Pluto will keep re-minding us to do this, returning to station at this degree at the
Autumnal Equinox of 2015…So there be a long un-furling, with plenty of opportunity to experimentally dedicate, excavating and liberating ever deeper layers of the psyche, personal and group soul, that we may all “Dree Our Weird” – “play our role in Destiny.”
So, tonight, cahooting with the wild encouraging Solstice auguries, so generously proffered to us from the
back-stage spirit world, we deepen our delving, transmuting for ourselves, past trauma into power- down-load.
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An opportunity to cahoot from anywhere in the world.
Join our Trickster Training Council Tonight Monday December 22nd, 9 pm est, 6 pm pst(circa 90 minutes, and recording available afterwards) for a live Carolingian address and opportunity to cahoot, continue composting toxins into tonics, Tele*Coyote via phone, web or Skype (audio only) $23 Encouraging you to Sign up now!
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| All Positive Woof,Caroline
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