Cahoot w Caroline Casey & Daniel Giamario 3.16.15

Published: Fri, 03/06/15

Cahoot with Caroline W. Casey
and great fellow astro*mytho colleague
Daniel Giamario,
at the actual moment, for precise fun,
of the 7th of 7 Pluto-Uranus squares,

Monday March 16th

9 pm et/6 pm pt

This powerful night, Caroline throws open the doors to her Trickster Training Council, (aka Compassionate Trickster experimental Mystery School, which convenes every Monday night 6 pm pt, 9 pm et to) all those dedicated to being agents of dynamic beauty in the world at this time of Dire Beauty…

How fortunate Uranus Squares Pluto close enough to St. Patrick's day to animate the tale told of him: proffered a cup of poison wine, he holds the wine up to the light, the poison rises to the top, he blows the froth off, quaffs the drunk, toasting all, including those who sought to poison him. Causing the elders to murmur, "ooh, a real initiate." We've all been given a cup of poison the willingness to metabolize the poison - that's the ticket to the Infinite Game.

Caroline and Daniel have much Venus-Mars Mythic Guiding tales to present. Participants can e-mail during the call, and chime in at the end with queries and blessings…

Join live via phone or web
Monday March 16th,
6 pm pt, 9 pm et,  

(and recording available soon after)
And for a taste of what is to come:

All Positive Woof,

Many ways to cahoot:
Coyote Network News