discounts today! & Magnetizing Metaphor into Matter Birthday Tour

Published: Thu, 10/09/14

Visionary Activist Show Today
Thursday, October 9th, 2014 at 2 pm PT

Human Ingenuity willing to be guided by Nature's Ingenuity Be our Prayer

Caroline hosts Nina Simons and Kenny Ausubel, founders of Bioneers (25th anniversary) a Council of Ingenious Solutions at this Kairos moment in time.

(and archived, and pod-cast...sign up for podcasts at www.CoyoteNetworkNews. com

Fund Drive- offering passes to Bioneers, tickets to Carolingian Talk, Carolingian Birthday Party 10.14 in Point Reyes, Plant Intelligence by Stephen Buhner...

Listen Now...

October 14th Carolingian birthday party 6 pm Pine Cone Diner in Point Reyes, for pledging $300 to KPFA betwixt 2 and 3 pm pdt

October 17th 9 pm: Democratic Animism Now - assuming cultural narrative lead! at Bioneers Conference Exhibition a mere $10 at door before event.(or included with Bioneers registration) w/accomplices Climbing Poetree

Carolingian Birthday Special!

Today! readings with me (at top of my game, Saturn on MC) usually $300 - today $260

Join Trickster Training

first 5 people to sign up for a year of Trickster Training receive a complementary one hour reading.

First 8 people to sign up for 3 months of Trickster Training receive a 1/2 hour reading.

Magnetizing Metaphor into Matter Tour

w/Climbing Poetree

Click here to Book a reading ~ $260 Special 

Add coupon Woof* at  checking out.

All Positive Woof,

Many ways to cahoot:
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