Mythic News of Now/Carolingian schedule & Tele*Coyote w/ Lily Yeh - tonight

Published: Mon, 05/19/14

Yo Team!

I have been participating in the Inspiring Women thing (have interviewed Lily Yeh, Climbing PoeTree, and today Sandra Ingerman, as well as participating in the opening, and then my own "Power of the Woman Story-Teller as Trickster Redeemer" presentation.

Then I fly out to the Lightning in a Bottle mega-festival to present Trickster Medicine at Saturday May 24th 4:15 pm-5:45 pm on the Temple Main stage, at the exact moment of the Saturn Jupiter trine 4:48 pm pdt, when inner dedication magnetizes outward opportunity!

then Summer Solstice gig will be in DC on Sunday June 22nd...details to follow

and then mega-wonderful Trickster Training Council at HollyHock July 23rd -27th
in which we fully cultivate our metaphoric agility and story-telling skills, that our energy, language and metaphor be in accord with our dedication.
More information here
And to register here.

here follows the missive for tonight's Trickster Training Council (feel encouraged to subscribe to a month, 3 months or a year:) Membership Options

Mythic News headline:

Mars Stationing In Libra tonight!

During our call! (our call begins at 9:00 pm Mars begins gliding forward  at 9:31 pm edt, so yes, actual magic - a willingness to cooperate with everything - is woofing to us to play.)

Co-Operators are (indeed) standing by!

Mars is Stationing in Libra, the realm of dynamic art & restoration of intimacy. The stationing degree = "A canoe having passed through rapids, finally reaches calm water," Phew...ahhhh. The Mythic story would encourage us to participate in animating the desirable and spiraling blessings out into world  for a necessary cultural set change.

The curtain comes down on Act IV - uninitiated Mars and the consequent hyper-yang death frenzy trampling on life,
while back-stage we participate in Dynamic Beauty - once again assuming cultural leadership in Act V. (Mars is exactly trining Moon in Aquarius - Group Mind of Cultural Influence....)

So, more than perfectly, Lily Yeh will be joining us as guest co-cahooter.

Lily Yeh, is one of my favorite humans, whose embodied dedication is to work in broken places, with broken people, and the broken parts of herself/ourselves, with broken mosaics - to make Healing Beauty. Like the Hindu goddess Akhilanda, whose Medicine is the power that comes from being broken, she rides on the crocodile of her own fear. Woo-Hoo!

that Beauty be honored as the sine qua non of culture. 'Tis art that  weaves relationship into structure, that allows everything replenishing to then fill the community. Lily works with the broken parts of all of us to heal communities

Dedicated acts of beauty trump tyranny, and compost futility."Art is the tracks not the animal," the visible evidence of the artist's and the community's inner work. "Build Living Buddhas - not Pagodas." Our whole lives be art, may our inward dedication guide us to the customized opportunity to make the world more beautiful.

So let's get our customized Mars animal, our ride, our wise animal instinct, ready. If Akhilanda rides n the crocodile of her own fear, and Prince Con-Edda rides a humble wise pony, WhaleRider rides a Whale, and Quan yin surfs in on a Dragon - what shall we ride?

All Positive Woof,
