Riding the Full Moon Tide plus Upcoming Equinoctial Tour

Published: Thu, 03/06/14

 Visionary Activist Show Today
  Thursday,  March 6th, 2014 at 2 pm PT
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Riding the Full Moon Tide

Return of Big Mama, as Jupiter stations in the Moon's sign, we gather to conjure, animate, magnetize, and spiral forth the guiding Mythos of Conscious Kinship with the Ocean and all her children:
Caroline welcomes Michael Stocker, marine acoustician, guardian of, voice for, the Ocean
to talk about whales, sounds, and civilization. (We are on our way to San Ignacio Bay in Baja Mexico to commune with the Grey Whales - gathering blessings to bring to them...)

Equinoctial Tour

Caroline on her way to visit the Baja Whales, will hold Trickster Council: The Return of Big Momma!
whereby to conjure, animate, magnetize, and spiral forth the guiding story of conscious collaborative kinship...

astro*politico*guiding mythos to ride this Full Moon Tide
Monday, March 10th @ 8:30

at Graffiti Cafe

180 S. La Brea, LA

(after hours - no food or beverages available...attend not hungry)
by donation, toss $ in hat

Green Fire! Democratic Animism Now! Whale and Coyote's Choreography of Creation
Thursday, March 20 @ 8:11
at Open Secret

923 C st ~ San Rafael, CA

Caroline, just returning from the Whales of San Ignacio Bay, filing scouting report, what they would like to convey to us at this time of Dire Beauty;  We gather on the Vernal Equinox, at the exact Moon-Saturn 23+ Scorpio conjunction:"Sermon on the Mount" to tease inspirational mojo into every molecule of our being.

As dominance goes down (taking so much life with it) -  time to align with the culture of Collaborative Reverent Renaissance Rising from the Rubble, that our species may have manners, and a capacity to cahoot with creation.

$20 in advance
$25 at the door

Equinoctial Trickster Council:
Saturday, March 22 @ 7:11 pm
Sacred Stream Center
2149 Byron St. at Allston Way in Berkeley

Green Fire! Democratic Animism Now! Whale and Coyote's Choreography of Creation.

The Vernal Strategy for this season, as dominance goes down (taking so much life with it) -  time to align with the culture of Collaborative Reverent Renaissance Rising from the Rubble, that our species may have manners.

astro*mytho*politico*talk*council  aligning with Nature's Evolutionary Indigenuity, aka Trickster Intelligence, found in Whales, Dolphins, Raven, Crow, Coyote, seeds that sprout after cataclysm, the plucky part of us that loves "against all odds." Opportunity abounds for us all to become more intelligent. All of Nature awaits our willingness to cahoot.

Let's Cahoot!  Co-Operators are standing by!

$20 in advance
$25 at the door
Click here to Register
Astrological Reading with Caroline
It is such an opportune time to convene our inner astrological councils, clarify navigational guidance, vitalize our own wise autonomy. Cultivate, animate and contribute our Medicine Gifts the Community of All Beings, that we be ever more effective players on the team of Creation at this Time of Dire Beauty.
Readings can be in person (Washington DC area) or on the phone or Skype (All are equally effective) 90 minutes, recorded, then sent to you as an audio-file, right after the session. (Chart is e-mailed to you before session, if you like.) Schedule a Reading.   Price: $300.00

Join Our Monday Night Trickster Council:
6 pm West Coast ~ Pacific time 9 pm East Coast ~ Eastern Time
(recorded for those who can't attend the live call)  at which time Caroline lays out the astro-mythological-political theme memes of the week, and what qualities to cultivate to best navigate the wild tide of now.
 Yes, Sign me up For Trickster Training!

All Positive Woof,