Coyote Network News Productions Caroline W. Caseyastro*politico*mytho*weaver of context Invite you to join Trickster Training Council Tonight, December 23rd which is when Cats celebrate Christmas6 pm pt, 9 pm et (one hour-ish) $20 Register Now!
Cat's Christmas Tele*Coyote
(giving a gift to a cat is an excellent practice today, if one wants one's
year to have a purr.)dedicated to democratic animism, to cultivate our cunning and dedicate to the good, honoring our collaborative kinship, mending our treaties with all the critters to engage collective ingenuity to all evolve together in Mutual Aid and reciprocal Blessing to protect as much life
as possible at this time of Dire Beauty.Jaguar and Mountain Lion hosts: Pheonix, Coyote, Raven and Puss n Boots, Bre'r Rabbit, Whales and Bees join our council.David Grimes, our fellow
troubadour bard wilderness guide will chime in to invite the porpoises porcupines, bears and crows...Cat's Christmas Caw-cus!"Critique and Responsive Indigenuty", be one our many long middle names, along with "Fierce BlessingMars opposite Uranus on Christmas (December 25th) plus
astro*animistic choreographic guidance always, but sometimes more so, Co-Operators Are Standing ByBy the power of our dedicated telepathic around the world gathering (on phone, internet and Skype) we can all invite in our customized synchronized mythic selves composed of Nature's
myriad expressions of Indigenuity, that the Trickster Redeemer in myriad forms be born in myriad hearts.$20 for this night (and should you be so heartened, beguiled,and enthused as we toss all waifishness into the Solstice Cauldron, and ladle out blessings of lucky plucky intrepitude and myriad forms of High Jinx, that you would like to join our Trickster Council, that $20 can be deduced from the
$200 for three months enrollment.)
Donations Enthusiastically Welcomed for Coyote Network News, your dedicated outpost embassy
for Democratic Animism, up-stream from Washington DC,...magnetizing new necessary roof! Coyote Network News