Let us gather to lay the old year to rest, to honor the ancestors, and spiral blessings into the
Coyote Network News Productions Caroline W. Casey astro*politico*mytho*weaver of context
Presents/invites us all to animate: The Birth of the Trickster Redeemer Within Our
Hearts Solstice Eve Friday, December 20th at 7 pm The Institute for Spiritual Development, DC Caroline returns to DC after whirl-wind California tour in time to convene with great traditional Irish Musicians - Lilt. 5419 Sherier Pl
NW, Washington, DC 20016 $30 at the door (cash or check)
Tis such a powerful time to gather in myriad ways to animate
So we can together toss all lonely, cold, broke waifishness into the Solstice Cauldron on behalf of all beings.
We be diving into the dark to fetch the light, grieving, honoring and celebrating all who have died this year. Our mythological DNA knows why we gather at this time of year, to invite the returning light to animate the desirable guiding story for all beings.
Monday December 23rd ~ Virtual Winter Solstice Strategy Cahooting for 2014 Caroline opens the doors, to all, of her Trickster
Training Council via phone, internet, SKYPE on this Cat's Christmas Eve, for all the beings.. 6 pm pt, 9 pm et December 23rd is Cat's Christmas, so we especially dedicate to the animals, and the birth of the Trickster redeemer in myriad animal forms, that we mend our treaties and enter into evolutionary alliance with our flora-fauna kin, at this time of Dire
Beauty, where everything needs to experimentally collaborate to survive. Let Spicy Compassion, invited as an animal ally be our wise traveling compassion, as we set forth into 2014. (Cat's Christmas) 6 pm pt, 9 pm et- Trickster Training Council opens its virtual doors for our special tele*Coyote
Council (via web, phone or Skype)
$20 Register
Donations Enthusiastically Welcomed for Coyote Network News, your dedicated outpost embassy
for Democratic Animism, up-stream from Washington DC,...magnetizing new necessary roof! Coyote Network News