Visionary Activist Show Today ~ Diving for the Dark - all things Solstice Radio

Published: Thu, 12/05/13

Visionary Activist Show Today
Thursday, December 5, 2013 at 2 pm PT
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Diving for the Dark- all things Solstice Radio

Caroline cahoots with KPFA Craft Fair Genie Jan Etre:

Moon-Venus in Capricorn presiding over-head, animating William Morris' wise counsel:"Let us have only those things in our homes that we know to be useful and believe to be beautiful." And Martin Prechtel's guiding woof: "to feed the indigenous soul, surround yourself with hand-made things who carry stories."

Caroline delineates the potency of this diving into the dark month and her up-coming Carolingian tour.

Caroline W. Casey
Diving Into The Dark Winter Solstice Tour
This be such a potent opportune time to gather in myriad embodied and telepathic venues.

Truly Co-Operators Are Standing By  and here they are, at this Dark of the Year:

Caroline flies out to California on Friday the 13th (woo-hoo!) to broadcast with long-time radio allly Jim Bennett, live from the KPFA Crafts Fair Saturday and Sunday December 14th and 15th 9am - noon.

Visit Caroline at her KPFA Crafts Fair Booth

Caroline will also have a booth there, right on the broad stair landing, directly in front of you as you enter the Concourse (last year at Concourse, we thank the building as an old friend.)...  

Where she will be proffering fantabulous gift certificates for all allies... 

A season (3 months) or a year of Trickster Training Council
Astrological Readings (convening the full council of you, to clarify, dedicate and contribute Medicine to the Community - that we may all "Dree Our Weird," (Play our role in Destiny at this Time of Dire Beauty.)

December 16 at 7pm
Open Secret ~ San Rafel

Dreeing Our Weird: Trickster dives into the dark to dissolve dementors of doom domination!
 - we gather in Council to align with the potential of this moment.

Uranus the Trickster stations over-head as the Full Moon waxes. Trickster has voice and cultural influence, and abundant potent metaphors proffered for animation. We gather in metaphoric back-stage.

Together we shall draw our bow-string back, arrows, tipped with compassion, tyranny as its target...and myriad more metaphors.. Metaphors Be With You!

923 C Street San Rafael CA 94901

Cost $25 in advance
$30 at door

December 17th at 7pm 
Earth Rise Retreat Center 
IONS (Institute of Noetic Sciences)

Trickster Bounds onto the World Stage:Re-trieving Redemptive Reverent Renaissance Rising from the Rubble.

Uranus stationing direct this day - providing forward momentum, serendipitous synchronicity abounds for those with dedicated hearts. Internal dedication (more potent in a gathering) magnetizes outward opportunity.

A mythological unfurling of Compassionate Trickster choreography strategy for 2014...

 101 San Antonio Rd
Petaluma, CA 94952 for directions/map
Cost $25 in advance
$30 at door
link to buy ticket

Winter Solstice Event ~ tba

Monday December 23rd ~ Virtual 
Winter Solstice Strategy Cahooting for 2014 
(Cat's Christmas) 6 pm pt, 9 pm et- Trickster Training Council opens its virtual doors for our special tele*Coyote Council (via web, phone or Skype)

$20 Register Now!

May Compassionate Trickster be an honored guest at all gatherings, within and without. Uranus retrograde inward now, direct outward on the Full Moon in Gemini of December 17th.

Astrological readings with Caroline make fantastic Solstice/Christmas etc. presents for self and others.

Compassionate Trickster Experimental Juju Mystery School,
Join Our Monday Night Trickster Council:
6 pm West Coast ~ Pacific time 9 pm East Coast ~ Eastern Time

Season of Trickster Training Council for $200, as present for self or others.
(recorded for those who can't attend the live call)  at which time Caroline lays out the astro-mythological-political theme memes of the week, and what qualities to cultivate to best navigate the wild tide of now.  Yes, Sign me up For Trickster Training!

Donations Enthusiastically Welcomed for Coyote Network News, your dedicated outpost embassy for Democratic Animism, up-stream from Washington DC,...magnetizing new necessary roof!
Coyote Network News