Visionary Activist Show Today ~ Voices from the Dead Radio

Published: Thu, 11/21/13

Visionary Activist Show Today
Thursday November 21, 2013 at 2 pm PT
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Visionary Activist Voices from the Dead Radio:

First segment: Medea Benjamin, author of "Drone Warfare," to stop on-going assassinations by drones...

2nd segment Caroline welcomes the return of Peter Janney,  author of "Mary's Mosaic: The CIA conspiracy to murder JFK, Mary Pinchot Meyer, and their vision for World Peace.
(more back-stage chorus of the dead: Nov. 22nd, 1963 also deaths of Aldous Huxley, C.S. Lewis, and the first episode of "Dr. Who," aired the next day 11.23.1963)

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Additional ways to cahoot:

remember astrological readings with Caroline make fantastic Solstice/Christmas etc. presents for self and others.

Astrological Reading with Caroline
It is such an opportune time to convene our inner astrological councils, clarify navigational guidance, vitalize our own wise autonomy. Cultivate, animate and contribute our Medicine Gifts the Community of All Beings, that we be ever more effective players on the team of Creation at this Time of Dire Beauty.
Readings can be in person (Washington DC area) or on the phone or Skype (All are equally effective) 90 minutes, recorded, then sent to you as an audio-file, right after the session. (Chart is e-mailed to you before session, if you like.) Schedule a Reading .   Price: $300.00

Buy one for $300 or 4 for $1,000 (for self and/or give away as presents to deeply lucky friends and lovers.

Join Our Monday Night Trickster Council:
6 pm West Coast ~ Pacific time 9 pm East Coast ~ Eastern Time

Season of Trickster Training Council  for $200, as present for self or others.
(recorded for those who can't attend the live call)  at which time Caroline lays out the astro-mythological-political theme memes of the week, and what qualities to cultivate to best navigate the wild tide of now.  Yes, Sign me up For Trickster Training!