Trickster Training Council Talk Wednesday! and ensuing Curriculum

Published: Mon, 07/15/13


Trickster Training Council Talk Wednesday!
and ensuing Curriculum

Compassionate Trickster Training Council

8 pm talk at HollyHock
Wednesday Night, July 17th,
open to public: come one come all

Trickster Training Council July 18-21st,
(yes there is still room for aspiring agents of the Trickster Redeemer)
Yes, I am willing to be an agent for Trickster Redeemer!

Sign me up!

Reservations by phone:
800 933 6339 ext. 232
250 935 6576 (outside North America)

Reservations by E-mail:

"Listen for your destiny, and when it calls - release your plans!"

(feel encouraged to spiral forth to other skookum beings)

Calling All Public Dreamers - the Time for Trickster Redeemer Cultural High Jinx is Well-Nigh!

Let us be Agents of Cool Response in a hot reactive world.

Change the Metaphor Change the Culture! (from "Big Bang" fantasy, to Perpetual Snaky Unfurling).

The protoplasm of reality is especially receptive to imaginative imprint!

Let us be Artists of Atmosphere, creating the mythological climate whereby the desirable can glide from back-stage to on stage.

All moments of time await our dedicated willingness to animate the desirable (lest we leave abounding opportunities, by default, to the Dementors of Doom - bless their Gollum hearts).

Now is especially woofing, swooshing and sizzling to us:

Uranus (representing Nature's Evolutionary Trickster Ingenuity) Stations this Wednesday July 17th - edgy but soothing, Co-operators are standing by!:
Neptune*Saturn*Jupiter Grand Trine, in the realm of the waters of life,
all sizzling and swooshing to cahoot.

As David Grimes, River Guide Bard, reminds us, "In the most turbulent rapids, there is a silver tongue of calm." Let's paddle there.

We continue our dedication to Magnetizing Metaphor into Matter,
Remembering (Mercury retrograde, stationing this Saturday) that the dedication of ritual magic throughout time, is to intentionally, back-stage, spiral the desirable into the memosphere, an ever expanding repertoire of wise (defer and collaborate with Nature's Guiding Wisdom), human responses to counter-act hot reactivity.

Let us honor Malala Yousafzai, as she embodies and gives voice to the auspicious now: "When the Taliban shot me in my head, they did not kill my ambition. Nothing changed except weakness, fear and hopelessness died, and strength, fervour and courage was born!" "I am not against anyone, but here to speak of education for everyone."

(The Grand Trine: Dedicated (Saturn) Vision (Neptune) of education for all beings, and a culture guided by informed reverence for life (Jupiter.)
We are willing!

Jupiter encourage us to continue playing Blessing Poker
("I see your blessing and raise you one!")

Reading Dan Brown's "Inferno," fun, and pertinent-ish. Dante's Inferno begins:
"Midway upon the journey of our life I found myself within a forest dark, for the straightforward pathway had been lost."

We like that Dante says "our life." We all be in this dream adventure together, and meandering, curving is good.

Remember in Feng Shui, we make curving in our gardens, literal, and metaphoric, because evil is so stupid it can only travel in straight lines. Thus, the Serpent (same word as Eve, Sophia, Wisdom) is in fact, not the emblem of evil, but its anti-dote - ha! - Sssssssssss….

Woof-Woof-Swoosh-Swoosh, and a round of gilly weed to all!

Wild Wish Wednesday!

Because this Wednesday July 17th is so auspicious, from now through that day, anyone who would like a full 90 minute astrology considering with Caroline may purchase for $200!!! ( usually $300).

Just use the code "WILDWED" at checkout.

Please note: lucky beings who purchase these readings will be scheduled during August.

Yes sign me up for a "Wild Wish Wednesday" reading!


Caroline Casey    Coyote Network News    1-888-741-GODS