Serendipitous Synchronous Symbiosis (Festival) Riding this Wild Tide of Equanimity

Published: Wed, 09/18/13

Yo Team O' Allies at this Waxing Equinoctial Harvest Full Moon of Dynamic Peace, May it be So, as Pluto stations, participating in Grand Cardinal Square!

Let's aspire to being agents of cool response in a hot reactive climate.

Throughout time the purpose of ritual magic is to spiral an ever-expanding repertoire of ingenious tolerance and wisdom into Group Mind. Now is most auspicious for our Compassionate Trickster selves to convene in myriad forms.

I will be presenting at the Symbiosis festival at the exact moment of the Equinox: 1:44 pm pdt on Sunday September 22nd. Convene with your physical presence or telepathically, as the path unfurls.

Mythic News: By Tossing lightning at the closed loop of the story circle, Coyote creates a liberating spiral for all beings: Here's to cultivating Serenity for a Season of Serendipitous Synchronous Symbiosis!

The festival will be held on the Weekend of the 2013 Autmnul Equniox - September 19 -23.  

To purchase tickets or get more information: click here!

Astrological Reading with Caroline
Now is a most auspicious time to convene the full council of you, to cultivate animate and contribute your unique Medicine to the world at this time of Dire Beauty. Conferring can be either in person (Washington DC area) or on the phone or skype (both equally wondrous. 90 minutes, that is recorded, then sent to you as an audio-file, right after the session.
Schedule a Reading   Price: $300.00

Join Our Monday Night Trickster Council:
6 pm West Coast ~ Pacific time 9 pm East Coast ~ Eastern Time
We be dedicated to cultivating metaphoric agility, irresistible eloquence, story-telling, that we be ever more effective Trickster players on the team of creation. Each week we align with the Mythic News of Now.
(recorded for those who can't attend the live call) the astro-mythological-political theme memes of the week, and what qualities to cultivate to best navigate the wild tide of now.

 Yes, I want to cultivate my Compassionate Trickster self. Sign me up For Trickster Training!

As William Penn counseled: "Let us then, try what love will do."

M. Gruber: "To Love Disharmony back into Harmony creates a greater Harmony than existed before." May it be So!

Now is the time for which we were born, and a pleasure to be incarnationally coinciding with the likes of yourselves. Yip-Yip! We move our emotional default setting to "Woof-Woof-Wanna Play?!!!"
