Coyote astro-Mytho-weather report 4.15.13

Published: Mon, 04/15/13


Yo team, these be the outline notes for tonight's Trickster Training Council deeper delving, mytho-astro-report:

(which you could join, if not already enrolled,…where we dedicate to being agents for the Trickster Redeemer,through the cultivation of metaphoric agility, that all natural facts be guiding social strategy metaphors at this time of Dire Beauty).

To join this Tele*Coyote Tonight: (6PT, 9ET)
click here to enroll in Trickster Training.

"Pluto stationing: our teal -violet-indigo roots dive deeply into the nourishing dark,  as the green fire of our nascent shoots aspire upwards.

Slow down to speed up, go down to rise up. Inward dedication magnetizes outward serendipity (Saturn, way inward, 150 degrees to Uranus, way outward.) 

Saturn at 9+ Scorpio is rising at the "fellowship supper reunites old comrades" degree, (which is also the U.S. rising sign, derived from the time given on the Clock Yower on the back of a $100 bill) while 11+ Scorpio - the Renaissance degree is rising as we convene. 

Venus, having just entered her own Taurean realm of sensual strength is setting in the West, soon rendezvousing in opposition to Saturn, reminding us that: embodied creativity, dedication to Beauty, serves as an invitation for powerful good to enter the world. 

We are all invited to re-turn to some essential source, remembering something forgotten, that reminds us of our mission, whereby to "dree our weird." 

I find myself returning to my old buddy Carl Jung, and his team, as the nature of Jung's contribution was guiding us to return- to fairy tales, alchemical texts, divinatory arts, all the treasures of human wisdom exiled from conventional discourse. 

Marie-Louise von Franz's "The Feminine in Fairy Tales," says that fairy tales are compensatory, giving expression to that which has been exiled from orthodox narrative "fairy tales give expression to the neglected Feminine, where lost goddesses make their appearance." "Dreams and Fantasies tend to bring forth the ego maturity the child should have." Intriguing topsy-turveying of grumpy admonitions that have defined maturity as a casting away of fantasy, when the reverse is true. 

Our Fairy Tale Fancy is a current in full flow: Grand trine in Water (Saturn trine Neptune trine Ceres.) 

Persephone, and other Vernal Vixens are presiding over this season, even unto: 

"Sleeping Beauty", the girl (part of all of us, regards of gender assignment) disappearing from surface reality, into a 100 year sleep, dream, underworld, then awakening… returning, rising. 

Mars serves to awaken her, exactly conjoining the Sun at 26+ Aries: "Through Imagination a Lost opportunity is Regained." 

We are desiring to invite all that is Beautiful - that's been sleeping, dreaming, latent, absent

to return inwardly and outwardly… 

Outwardly by our inward Cultivation, Animation…and then Spiralling forth…as a diaspora of cultural pollen. 

Time for the Mistresses of Peace to Arise within us all to send the Masters of War to the underworld where they learn knitting and weaving, (the gods sentenced Hercules to this task, after his un-Venused Mars was laying waste to the world.) that humility and manners may bloom in our species. 

p.s. It delights me so, to see the birds taking the offering of Stella Coyote's shed Winter coat fluff, for their nests. The fur of the predator keeps the babies warm. 

At Spring twilight the bird-song of call and response assumes narrative lead, their serenade transcends the industrial hum, encouraging us to do so as well. Still time.

To join this Tele*Coyote Tonight: (6PT, 9ET)
click here to enroll in Trickster Training.


Other ways to engage with Caroline:

"Let us be Terra-ists Re-Story-ing the World!"
Trickster Training on Cortez Island, BC, Canada - July 17-21st
Read more here

Astrological readings (Caroline has a few openings this week,and next, if you are speedy). Learn more and/or Sign up here

and late-breaking, self-assembling something in Durango Colorado in early May. Let us know if you are in the hood, and we will guide you.


Caroline Casey    Coyote Network News    1-888-741-GODS