Coyote Network News Mini-Mythic News Missive

Published: Mon, 04/22/13


You Could join tonight's Tele*Coyote should your own wise intuitive whim guide you to do so (by enrolling or not, both wonderful): 6PT, 9ET

But truly - the more the merrier in Reciprocal Blessing to All Beings
on this Earth Day

Yo Team, below be tonight's Compassionate Trickster Experimental Mystery School

Let Us Be Terra-ists Re-Storying the World,

"What have we done with the Garden entrusted to us?" Query Mars, Sun, Venus, Pallas, South Node in Taurus.

This waxing Full Moon Lunar Eclipse (Thursday 3:57 pm EDT)
responds to that query, as we see earth's shadow, projected by the Sun onto the Moon.

Yet, in contrast to last week's Volatile field, Venus presides, and we aligning with her to pour cool water on hyper yang death frenzy, planting Peace Gardens in myriad manifest forms dedicated to this beautiful planet; Singing appreciative love to the Trees.

As the garden is fertile so is the mytho-memosphere soulful soil: Taurean planets sextiling Neptune - magnetize myth into matter...

John O'Donohue: "Our longing for the eternal kindles our imagination to bless. Regardless of how we configure the eternal, the human heart continues to dream of a state of wholeness, that place where everything comes together, where loss will be made good, where blindness will transform into vision, where damage will be made whole, where the clenched question will open in the house of surprise, where the travails of life's journey will enjoy a homecoming. To invoke a blessing is to call some of that wholeness upon a person now."

We are also Mythological detectives, delving deeper, discerners of patterns. Keepers of multiple Mythic Narratives.

"From darker places of the heart, we rise to play a greater part," says bre'r Leonard Cohen

Compassionate Trickster Experimental Mystery Juju School now embraces Bletchley Park, the resonance of a team dedicated to discerning pattern as a way to protect life.

One prevalent fairy tale mytho-motif is that of The babe abandoned and found in a boat, from Moses to Perizada and her brothers,

Finding Moses by Konstantin Flavitsky

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was, found in a boat, on land. So very Neptune Pisces, proclaiming , there are mysteries herein, that can only be accessed symbolically. Remember that which is exiled from orthodox narrative is relegated to fairy tales for its expression.

By honoring, reverencing and desirably animating the morphic fairy tale template, we preclude it being an empty vessel to be filled by the demonic, in which hapless mortals are possessed to play demonic roles.

The Waxing Moon in Medicine Virgo invites us all to be Fairy Tale Cultural Dia-Gnosticians.

Onward, deeper delving-upward!

To join this Tele*Coyote Tonight: (6PT, 9ET)
click here to enroll in Trickster Training.


Caroline Casey    Coyote Network News    1-888-741-GODS