Hatching Harmonia from this Full Moon Egg!
Published: Mon, 03/25/13
Hatching Harmonia from this Full Moon Egg! We convene on the waxing Full Moon of True Easter, or Oestre, as Mars and Venus are together in the Underworld. The daughter of Venus and
Mars is Harmonia. Let's see her hatch. Let's be her hatching. The First Full Moon after the Equinox is the Spring renewal moon of bringing all back into the swing of dynamic balance.
Passover and Easter derive their timing from this Moon. Let's intend the manner of "mega."Mars square Pluto on Tuesday's Passover; What must we die to, lest we die from? Lest we animate the desirable, anywhere, In the nick of time, thank you Saturn. Each Planetary Intelligence dons metaphoric garb whereby to enter the word's Resurrection pageantry. "A woman feeding chickens and protecting them from the hawk," is the Full Moon's image. Chickens-eggs (the koan of which came first?) again…fertility. Hawks are beautiful fierce, predator, messengers…whom we also love;
remembering that even among predator and prey and humans betwixt, (the
balancing act of mediators) A rousing toast of "Yea! life! Arise from the ashen crypt!"
This is the theme of tonight's Trickster Training call.
Caroline Casey Coyote Network News www.CoyoteNetworkNews.com 1-888-741-GODS |