"Dreeing Our Weird" -"Playing Our Role In Destiny!"

Published: Sat, 03/16/13


We're All in this Dream Together:
"Dreeing Our Weird" - "Playing Our Role In Destiny!"
at a Time of Dire Beauty

Furling that we may unfurl

Your Wish is Granted A Virtual Vernal Equinox Gathering
with Caroline W. Casey
Wednesday March 20th
6 pm PDT, 9pm EDT
via phone or web

(a mere magic $13)
Sign-up here

Once you sign-up, you will have accecss to a special page on the Trickster Training Site where you will be able to view the charts, log back in to download the replay later, or listen again at any time.

Yo Team o Public Dreamers,
Let's gather in Reciprocal Blessing for Virtual Vernal Equinox

"Deliberate celebration of the change of seasons stirs the creative powers of the psyche." -Nor Hall

Let us convene telepathically for greater good…for We are All Dreaming the World into Being…
(All = humans, ancestors, coyotes, tardy grades, galaxies, ferns, better angels of our Nature, on and on..)

Each moment awaits our dedication to animate the desirable, to con-sider ("with the stars") to avert disaster ("against the stars").

Co-Operators Are Standing By!

So let's meet these Co-Operators, and offer ourselves in deep dedicated playful, jaunty cahoots: Sun entering Aries, vitalizes Mars and Uranus, inaugurates the description and guiding strategy for this Season; engages the Uranus square Pluto fray, party, dance (take your pick) - the meta story of Collapse and Renaissance. Uranus, Trickster Intelligence, represents that within each of us that is an agent of the Culture of Reverent Ingenuity Rising from the Rubble.

For bonus points the 1st quarter Moon in Cancer, cahoots to remind us we are all kin.
Grand trine in water…Neptune, Mercury, Chiron in Pisces trine Moon in Cancer, trine Saturn retrograde in Scorpio makes magical mojo manifest. Jupiter and Uranus sextile, the two biggest path-openers in collaborative cahoots, inconjunct deep-deep Saturn in Scorpio, remind us to keep a jaunty tune when traveling in deep dark places, that we may be ever more effective players on the Team o Creation:
that we cultivate, animate, magnetize and spiral forth the most irresistible, all-inclusive desirable guiding blessing story into the Memosphere for good of all beings…


Woof-Woof Wanna Play?!?!!!!

P.S. all those who are enrolled in Trickster Training Council are comped to this event

Sign-up here to join Trickster Training now.

Have you considered joing Caroline for Trickster Training on Cortez Island, BC, Canada - July 17-21st?
Check out the details here.


Caroline Casey    Coyote Network News    www.CoyoteNetworkNews.com    1-888-741-GODS