Coyote Network News Democratic Convention Coverage

Published: Sun, 09/02/12


Democratic Convention Coverage

Calling All Compassionate Tricksters!

Caroline W. Casey,
(weaver of context: The Visionary Activist Show on KPFA - Berkeley,
KFCF-Fresno and KPFK- LA)

will be broadcasting
Coyote Network News Democratic Convention Coverage
on Pacifica Radio Network
each night of the Democratic Convention:
Tuesday September 4th
Wednesday September 5th,
Thursday September 6th
at 11:30 pm EDT, 8:30 pm PDT

(11:30 - 11:35 pm EDT, micro-Virgo, a lot in a little, so let's set our Trickster wake-up clock.)

KPFA in Berkeley
KFCF in Fresno
KPFT in Houston
WPFW Washington DC

and web-cast at

Bringing some ancestor-inviting, Trickster path opening, disruptive, liberating Mytho-political-democratc animism synchronicity mojo, into the hitherto staid conventional coverage of conventions! May it be so!

Honoring ancestors: Barbara Jordan, born New Moon in Pisces, same Moon Venus as Michele Obama,
one of the lineages we are this time of Dire Beauty.
We want to conjure, not only the un-leashing of Obama in 2nd term, (We need not approve, in order to note: Lincoln never mentioned slavery first term) but even more sizzly, the un-leashing of Michelle (FDR needed Eleanor's kick-butt.)
and most importantly - the un-leashing of each one of us as agents of critique, vision, dynamism.

We each have a magic mirror: Necessary Secular Critic holds up a mirror - "look, it sucks-in detail."...Trickster Within, with wave of hand, turns the mirror into a window - "Look how beautiful it could be!" And with another wave of the hand turns the window into a door - "Let's go!"

Our task, regardless of our customized degree of "disappointed" harumphitude (and remember we each have a portable harumphitude-composter, whereby to create rich nutrient for the culture of Reverent Ingenuity, to which we are dedicated.) is to cultivate, animate, magnetize, and spiral forth the most irresistibly all inclusive desirable story into the memosphere.

We gather to Inaugurate (from "augur, the diviner in each one of us, who would discern how best to cooperate with nature, and then "inaugurate") the best guiding story of reverent cahooting for the well-being and safety of all our relations... Voting is a magical act of dedicated participation, and we are always voting for reality, via our thoughts, words, metaphors, and $.

We understand the context of this election, necessary composting of dismay into dynamism; the experiment in democracy is on the line, Koch Brothers etc. ready to just buy this thing, Our task, in cahoots with Trickster, keeper of democracy, is to prevent that ("against all odds re the odds that Trickster likes," - so now is perfect).

after Caroline's 5 minutes,
The Pacifica Team will open up the conversation to everyone,
by calling
or e-mailing

In thematic accord with the danger of now: Caroline's will host Greg Pallast on The Visionary Activist Show this Thursday September 6th 2 pm PDT, and his new book Billionaires & Ballot Bandits: How to Steal an Election in 9 Easy Steps which will be out on September 18.

Caroline W. Casey,
Chief Animator at Coyote Network News, the mythological News Service for the Trickster Redeemer within Us All,
inviting us all to "woof-woof wanna play?!

We will be upping our Coyote Network News Election coverage, and launching our new skookum ("connected to the spirits and completely competent for the work at hand") web site mid-September, may it be so! Encouraging all to sign up for our free reports. (even now at the funky old site:)

And if you would like more Coyote Network News, and/or for your local affiliate radio station to carry the Visionary Activist Show, please contact wonderful ally:

Summer Reese
Interim Executive Director
and Chair of the Board
The Pacifica Foundation


Caroline Casey    Coyote Network News    1-888-741-GODS