Caroline Casey's Summer Solstice Encouraging Woof!

Published: Tue, 06/19/12


Caroline Casey's Summer Solstice Encouraging Woof!-
a virtual talk via web and phone

Wednesday June 20th
7:00 pm EDT
(can attend and /or order recording, should timing be weird) (and we are in weird times, which has an advantage: the protoplasm of reality is especially responsive to imaginative imprint.)

Calling all sane reverent beings that we may cahoot with

Trickster Redeemer Renaissance of Reverent Ingenuity

so much with which to co-operate: Venus rising Summer Solstice (wedding), Saturn (vows) stationing, Neptune stationing (all access back-stage pass to all dreams, myths) Uranus squaring Pluto - hell has already broken out, and we're here to be dog-whisperers to the dementors. "Hey!" "ssttt!" - calm and assertive, that sane reverent common sense and manners may re-assume community leadership.

Co-Operators Are Standing By!

"Deliberate celebration of the change of season - stirs the creative powers of the psyche." (Nor Hall)
by participating with the guiding mojo of extraordinary now, we can be collaborative agents of living principles, rather than subject to laws.

Let's cahoot with Venus emerging from the Underworld embarking on her triumphant global tour, with the anti-dote to the compensatory hyper-yang and sociopathic disregard for life currently wreaking havok.

Story-teller Gioia Timponelli tells me that one of the original words for Venus translates as "all of us!" (and if it's not true - let's make it true.)

Auspicious timing to take wedding vows to and with all life. Whatever we love - loves us, and will provide cahooting back-up. All of Creation is awaiting our willingness and wonder to rejoin the community. So let's avail ourselves of the gifts being proffered by Nature, that we may be agents of cool response in an increasingly hot reactive world - her Trickster Voice and Spiralling "Re-combobulate!" wand, the cauldron of composting harumphitude and tyranny into rich nutrient for the culture of Reverent Ingenuity, and myriad more metaphors to magnetize into matter!

We conjure a magnetic circle of reciprocal blessing this magic Mid-Summer's Night Dream, from which we shall spiral forth our animated blessings into the memosphere,
We are all Inaugurating a global guiding mythos.

Fee = reciprocal blessing, "may it go well for all of us!" and $10

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Caroline Casey    Coyote Network News    1-888-741-GODS