Trickster Redeemer Medicine

Published: Thu, 05/26/11


Fellow Aspiring Cultural Agents for the Compassionate Trickster!

Our task is daunting, given the Dire Beauty of Now, the rapacious relentless rudeness of humans on their kin.

But this is the kairos/fulcrum moment when the Trickster Redeemer rises within us and without as an agent of Cultural Renaissance, leaves the Green Room of back-stage dedication, dons his mythic garb, and bounds on the cultural stage.

"Come, come whoever you are: Wanderer, worshipper, lover of learning. Ours is no caravan of despair; Come, yet again come!"

We are guided (by James Carse) to consider society as a "finite game," about winning.(The Reality Police patrol the boundaries of this serious lack of humor zone.) Culture, however, is the realm of the "Infinite Game," whose purpose is to engage all in collaborative play.

If metaphor be the incarnational garb whereby power enters the world, then let us craft a key made out of lightning that unlock's the circle of society and sets it spiralling forth into the infinite game of dynamic culture.

Our play: to cultivate, animate, magnetize and spiral forth into the memosphere the invitational, irresistibly eloquent unifying meta-story!

The Grail Legend was put on" pause", and we are about to hit "play!"

Dedication magnetizes opportunity whereby we are synchronously danced into place where we engage in playful high jinx for the good of all beings.Trickster Redeemer within and without knows the choreography for this wildly responsive energetic field. Astrological*Political*Ritual*Lecture*Theatre in myriad forms....

Come, Come, whoever you are, leave the witness protection program of the finite game. Magnetizing "Majnoun" (Arabic - "madness-ecstatic yearning for the Divine) we gather in dedicated cavorting, and willingness to dance with the vast forces of nature's redemptive ingenuity.

Robert Bly's 37th Annual Conference on the Great Mother and the New Father

May 28 - June 5, 2011
Camp Kieve
Nobleboro, Maine

Join us as we gather once again to nourish the soul of the world as well as the wild soul within us. Now in its 37th year, the Great Mother Conference has always nourished the gifts of beauty, eloquence, and community. This year we will once again consider traditions both mythological and poetic, to be ever more effective participants in the cultural renaissance emerging from the rubble.

Register Here

Onward to Harmony Festival

Harmony Festival -

Sonoma County Fairgrounds
Santa Rosa, CA

Saturday June 11th 5:15 pm - 6:30 pm
Wisdom Stage Panel on cultural change strategy

Sunday June 12th 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm
Alchemical Pentecostal Voodoo: The Fiery Dove of Dynamic Peace Descends on All!

(as The Quest Animal Arrives in Court)

Sunday June 12th is Pentecost Sunday, one of the better Christian metaphors, when the Holy Ghost descends, as a flaming Dove, on the head of each disciple, granting them the capacity to speak and understand all language. We expand that beyond mere human language to include, plant, animal, planetary language, that we humans may re-join the collaborative dance. All of creation awaits our wonder and willingness. Co-Operators Are Standing By! In Arthurian Legend Pentecost Sunday was among the most important of mythic dates, when the Quest Animal Appeared in Court, summoning each hero to attain the Grail and restore the Waters of Life.

But wait - there's more! Saturn (how we define leadership) stations this day, in partnered pattern to its last station -January 25th - the gathering in Tahrir Square, Cairo, the composting of external/internal tyranny into rich nutrient for internal/external democratic animism. We are Conjuring, Animating and Spiralling Forth into the Memosphere the Desirable All Inclusive Story.

Followed, quirkily enough by a talk on the Oasis Stage at 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm,

which we shall consider a continuation of the big talk, as those who want to further cavort traipse on over with me to the Oasis Stage to dedicate to restoring the waters of life.

June 21st
Summer Solstice Talk in Sebastopol/Occidental, California

currently self-assembling stay tuned

July 29 th- August 3rd
Trickster Training Council at Hollyhock - Cortes Island, BC
(my favorite gathering place of fantastic beauty, many ravens, swimmable phosphorescent ocean, completely great food - all conducive to mega-restorative dynamic woof - ecstatic self-loss periodically available.)

Trickster Training Council - The Reconvening of the Breer Rabbit Round Table participants include the myriad expressions of the Trickster Redeemer -ancestral, mythological - and you?! YipYip! We are moving our emotional default setting to "Woof-Woof Wanna Play?! whereby we shall cultivate language, eloquence, metaphoric agility, public speaking, strategies of cultural influence, democratic animism, pragmatic mysticism, visionary activism - and more! whereby to journey from madness to Majnoun (Arabic word, meaning, yearning to cahoot with the Divine.) Trickster Medicine is the sine qua non for activists to be ever more effective players on the team of creation.

For more information or to register, click here

(mysterious possibility self-assembling)
August 5-7th Caroline will be collaboratively weaving context/MCing The Gaia Festival

Encourage you to join in our Monday Night Trickster Training Calls, whereby we work with all of the above in our weekly brew of the Medicine for the shifting sky-earth story of now. Customized Mythic News, and practicing metaphoric agility.

In Dion Fortune's classic occult novel, "Moon Magic," Vivian Le Fay Morgan, Priestess of Isis in 1950's London says to her prospective magical priest: "We hold, we initiates, that you can bring a thing through from the Inner Planes into manifestation by acting it out symbolically. That is why ritual is used. Now if you and I were to work out together the particular problem I want to solve, it would be solved for the race because we are part of the race, and whatever is realized in our minds becomes part of the group mind and spreads like ferment."

Enroll here: Yes, I want to be an agent for The Compassionate Trickster

Astrological readings, a customized convening of the full council of you, to work with all of the above, are still available for $300.

Click here to arrange a session.

Also, for those who have had readings with me before, no matter how many aeons ago, now, for an experimental time - offering a tight one hour session for $200.

Click here to sign-up for a follow-up session at $200



Caroline Casey    Coyote Network News    1-888-741-GODS