And let this be a Moon of de-bamboozling from propaganda, and delusion, on which cults rely…
Hone our Coyote discerning….
Dissolve, Reveal, Liberate….
Cooperate Cahoot
Proclaim our availability and willingness….
to be danced into place where we can do the most good, have the most fun, and contribute our gifts to the community in a manner of
reciprocal blessing…
Reciprocal Liberating Blessing
be the key encouraging of the Jupiter Uranus aligning 21 Taurus... - April 21st
yet tis everywhere, in the chart of Israel, in Novalny’s death chart….
in all of us…
the only Infinite game in town
be democratic animism…
Reverent animistic participation with Flora Fauna Fungi
The Sun, and Saturn at Full Moon quintile
This be our time of preparing for April…
Incubating our dreams for a world where everyone has equal rights, and a safe place to live….to re-bloom with the Earth…
“Million to One chances crop up nine times out of ten,” sayeth Granny