May Necessary Miracles be born from Winter Solstice Spark in the Dark: Caroline Casey, astro-mythologist, aspiring entheo anarcho animist and Amikaeyla Gaston, chanteuse, chantress, enchantress, drummer- invoker of the Orishas, living Intelligences of Nature…. along with ancestral mythic allies Dame Ragnall, Marie Laveau, Granny Weatherwax - all the Liberating Trickster Intelligences... invite all to Winter
Solstice Tonight! Thursday December 21st 6 pm pt/ 9pm et Zoom by
“The longest Nights- the wheel is turning - what will we give to the night?"
and what reciprocal blessings shall we ladle out of the Solstice cauldron - to prepare for the dangerous, worthy adventure that is here for us… As the astrologer, (as well as poet) Rumi said “when fate and
strife cross in the heavens - you cannot escape. Your only hope is to dance towards its embrace!" to Craft our Vessel - both be boats…. Our dedicated alchemical vessel, we craft this holy night, into which we then hop, and set sail… Our craft, “power from dedication,” likewise becomes our sturdy craft in the wild seas...
Ami and I have been cahooting for aeons, to and fro: we astro*mytho delineate what we desire, and then Ami calls it in… the Orishas - the Intelligences of Nature to make it so… Ashe’ that the words and music guide us to participate at this season of incarnational
actuality... whereby to navigate this vast field of collective grief…. Legba calls us to gather our wits from the vast realms of dispersement (social media etc) Come into the still point of the Year, let’s step into
the calm center of the storm… no longer whacked around the periphery... The Sol Stice - the Sun stands still, at the same position for 5 days (Dec 21st to December 25th - Solstice - Christmas, all one thing- the birth of redeemer in each heart...…) As our ancestors have done, all over the world, for over 25,000 years- “O literal and symbolic light of Sun, come on in, and illuminate this writing, this painting, at the back of the cave (New Grange, for instance)- this is the story our Community wants to
bring alive, to be born out of the dark…" Note: And Caroline currently be on radio with Seán, to magnetize*animate all of our participatory skills … Inviting ancestral support, Mythic allies, that the desirable story of Kindom be born into incarnational actuality born from the spark in the dark…. this Sacred Night…
Newgrange solstice photo by Alan Betson We gather tonight to craft a guiding story…. and our convening time will take us right to the moment of the exact Solstice
- On the west coast (begin 6:00 pm pacific) - 7:28 pm pt /on the east coast (begin 9:00 pm eastern) -10:28 pm et Time to dive delve deep deep down…. When we may be
possessed by reactivity of Group Mind then... may we track the Jordan River to its origins in a cave, dedicated to Pan, that all may wed the land and weave a common unifying story...of accord, from the rich compost of dis-cord... embracing all as kin, to dissolve the divisive thrall, going way back, by which we have been bamboozled into polarizing enmity, on which tyranny
feeds…. Let us no longer be played into enmity…
Oya ~ Change, from the Goddess Oracle Card deck, by Amy Sophia Liberating Lightning - Oya- Oya hurls her horse-tail whip to summon the winds of change, and
gives us all a basket of Liberating Lightning to hurl at any closed circle - to liberate into a spiral… And we can use on ourselves - any tedious circle —released into liberating Blessing Diving into the Death and Resurrection show of this
Winter Solstice Mars quintiles Saturn exactly… "depression - too shallow - go deeper- down to dedication….that then hums in the memosphere… to be born" What shall we envision and animate to be born out of this Winter Solstice cauldron…. The quintile bestows irresistible eloquence on behalf of our dedication, and opens portals between worlds…
With Saturn at the Saturnalia, we call in
Wise Leadership - Obatala!
If we don’t know what to do - invite in what does…. Whatever is truly best and liberating for all Flora Fauna Fungi - Come on in, Wise Liberating Redeemer, in
myriad forms of Flora Fauna Fungi expression, magnetized by our dedication…
"The 'Wild Woman' is apparently the female equivalent of 'The Green Man' & a fertility symbol. Sadly she's represented far less, despite being rather beguiling with her leafy crown and luxuriant hair. Not to mention the unicorn. (German engraving, 1465)” Saturn
sextiles Jupiter, who says "whatever vessel you craft - I will fill it!"
Tis a heartening journey from our gathering moment to the time of actual Solstice…. Truly some Genius is scheduling us….
We begin with the last degrees: the Sun at 29+
Sagittarius (the last degree), exactly trine the Moon at the last degree of Aries, squaring Pluto at the last degree of Capricorn….
endings…..What do we give to the night?
And as we arrive at exact Solstice - the Sun is at 0 degrees
Capricorn, exactly trining the Moon, exalted at 0 degrees Taurus, New beginnings... next to Jupiter (glorious sight that night in sky - the Magi, the astrologers, would follow such a star…) at stationing degree, whose image is “a cantilever bridge over a rocky
Like High John,: "finding a way outta no-way."
Reminding us of the opportune gift offered in a turbulent dangerous year… Lively democracy or deadly tyranny - take your pick.
April 21st 2024 - Jupiter- Uranus, our two path-opening booking agents conjoin at 21+ Taurus: “White dove flying over troubled waters,” (why we need our sturdy craft)- Tis the necessary miracle resolution - to truly wed the Earth, and co-create with her, a culture
of humans humbly cooperating with Nature's guiding genius...
We delineate the themes of 2024 - remembering the question is not “what's gonna happen?” but “what’s available with which to collaborate/participate…!”
As we gather Uranus over head at 19+ Taurus- the responsive augury degree, exactly quincunxes Mars at 19+ Sagittarius, a degree that astrologers reference as the resolving climate crisis degree, with long term cyclical vision…
The diaspora - the exhale of the One - into the Many
distinct traditions - and now the Syspora - the inhale, where all the different cooperative earth-based traditions begin to flow back into syncretic accord…
Who brought what? to this Renaissance to be born from apocalypse….
Pluto chimes in,
“you know this will be alot easier, for everyone, if everyone has a dedicated mission…” Mission fuels and guides our Craft...
and strictly Plutonic dark humor: whatever we say we do, whoever we think we are - Pluto says: “good cover !”
We are all under-cover agents for good, casting off outworn forms of hiding…
So, yes, feel magnetized to gather and cahoot ‘the More the Merrier the Mojo”
sign me up: Yes, I desire to participate in the re-birth of the world, with this witty donation:
Astro*Reading Discount for Gifts Give the gift of an Astrological Reading with Caroline to friends, family, whomever you wish with an $80 discount readings typically $380 now $300, until 12/24 click on "Redeem Coupon or Package" & use code Trickster80