Sol-stice The Sun has reached its most Northern point... stays there for a few days before journeying South ... So we all together, slow way down, step into the Still-Point of the storm to gather our wits, dedicate our gifts; And waft Reciprocal blessings of support, to and from our accomplices, known and unknown. Who are already there, in the still center of the storm, awaiting our arrival. (Express van to Still Point:)
The Positive Intrigue of Now! "Take the zircon to Foppa - and tell him we move tonight!" (exhorts Richard Farina) (well, tomorrow- Tuesday Night!) (here follows not so much "explaining," as magnetizing...) Summer Solstice - Dreaming with the Earth on behalf of Flora Fauna Fungi we will be convening by zoom (or
phone) - Tuesday, June 20th at 3 pm pdt/6pm edt
(and replay available after) open to all by donation…
$23 or more - encouraged, but any number that amuses
will be skookum
Saturn stationing now: "calling in a new tide of cultural energy..." Our dedicated blessings, form…
Metaphor and Music are the incarnational garb whereby power enters the world, to animate the Earth Community’s Guiding Story Co-Operators are standing by! Here be a few, who are calling in the
many! Caroline Casey - inviting Liberating Trickster word crafting (“linguistic precision guides the Vision”) Astro*Mytho
meta-guiding narrative for the season unfurling before us... Seán Pádraig O’Donoghue- inviting Celtic Plant Lore (inviting in plant allies: St John’s Wort, Mugwort, Devil’s Club, Calamus, Lavender, Psilocybe, all psychedelic sacraments and more ….)
The Consulting Druid Wizard is available... |
Seán is offering consultations to those who seek guidance in connecting with plant, fungal, and ancestral allies to help cultivate health and
vitality. Seán can help you identify the patterns you want to shift in your life, and find the right ways to bring in herbal support in changing them. He is offering 15% off all consultations to our team members -- just enter the code COYOTE at checkout.
·········· Special Discount Link ·········· |
| & Amikaeyla Gaston, Orisha Chantress-Enchantress with the Musical mojo to magnetize our dedications into
sensual actuality… Ache' Calling in Big Mama! Yemaya! Oya! Obatala!
Robert Gonzalves Our dedicated blessings, form our crafty alchemical vessel, in which we also set sail for this Summer Solstice, and on out into the wild Summer of Dire Beauty and on that boat be Green Man! (Big Papa, to cahoot with Big Mama) Sean will further guide us to cahoot with "the Green Man, Dionysus, voices emerging from the Wilderness, and the herbs of mind-Summer." Our First on-going task: re-designing the human
cultural interface with Flora Fauna Fungi…. Sun quintile Chiron, The lineage of Mentors be attending, and backing us up… Saturn quintiles Uranus - So our
dedication is our freedom!
Together Jupiter and Saturn, exactly sextile (in collaborative creative democractic cahoots) say "whatever dedicated vessel you craft - I will fill it! Let's put our vessel of dedicated devotion, on the altar of desirable
Aspiring to follow the advice I proffer, have been dusting off all my vessels, Tibetan Bowls and what not.... and they all are happy for it....ringing the bowls... putting our manifestoes of dedicated devotion into bowls... "Ring the bell that still can ring
-forget your perfect offering there's a crack, a crack in everything -tis how the light gets through." (Bre'r Cohen) Ceres Demeter, dwarf planet 29+ Virgo - "emergency call!" - no kidding forms
a Grand trine in earth with Pluto, at the most organizing degree in zodiac 29+ Capricorn, and Vesta -Uranus , dedicate to the Hearth/Bonfire of Community well-being - and - we all may proceed... Moon 29+ Cancer, tapped into that grand trine in earth, forms a grand trine in water ,
to irrigate the parched earth... trine Neptune 27+ Pisces (underlying powers of Nature) trine our Ascendant 27+ Scorpio (Nature's portal to faery world be open) Solve et Coagula: dissolve and re-imagine Dissolution is the Secret of the Great Work So let's dissolve all
bamboozling "prison masquerading as freedom" chicanery. Dissolving cults, as toxic mimic of Community... Ladling out the true Community of Democratic Animism... May we all awaken "self-possessed" rather than
merely "possessed." Old forms dissolving New Forms not yet in place.... We participate in envisioning, dissolving old binding spells, personal and collective -
Ladling out our new liberated-liberating vows... and blessings! Sean and I are finishing our Plants and Planets Council (of which this Tuesday is a part, but open to all beings, then that Council will have our last session on June 27th)
I had invited our council members to send Solstice blessings, and here be one from most wonderful Elizabeth M This last one was very much inspired by the beautiful description that Sean gave of the way Black Cohash brings hope. As a form of acknowledgement, I also included the green fairy wormwood. the fungi allies, lavender and references to other beings that blessed us during these sessions (including the Bengsons and the Princess Parizade) I wanted to thank also the planets with the plants. I have a Venus moon conjunction and that is the part of me that I feel blessings flow through so I let that also be part of my inspiration as well. Thank you all
so much for the inspiring course. I hope you all feel these blessings blow like a playful wind in your vessels sails -Elizabeth
************************************** a gift, for us all to distill working "mojo" - ("mojo"means "soul." ) For the deep dedicated fun of it , have excavated Michael Ventura's fantabulous essay "Hear that long snake moan - the Voodoo roots of jazz and rock n roll..." (We aspire to honoring this proffering) Saturn - now stationing is the God of Cool - "mojo"- soul, "Boogie" "juke" "jazz" "jism"...... "funky" = "Positive sweat of the
ancestors" "In his remarkable book Flash of the Spirit Thompson writes: "Like character, coolness ought to be internalized as a governing principle for a person to merit the high praise, "His heart is cool" (okan e tutu). In
becoming sophisticated, a Yoruba adept learns to differentiate between forms of spiritual coolness... So heavily charged is this concept with ideas of beauty and correctness that a fine carnelian bead or a passage of exciting drumming may be praised as "cool." Coolness, then, is a part of character... To the degree that we live generously and discreetly, exhibiting grace under pressure, our appearance and our acts gradually assume virtual royal power. As we become noble, fully realizing the spark of creative
goodness God endowed us with... we find the confidence to cope with all kinds of situations. This is ashe. This is character. This is mystic coolness. All one. Paradise is regained, for Yoruba art returns the idea of heaven to mankind wherever ancient ideal attitudes are genuinely manifested." |