Always: “Deliberate celebration of the change of Season stirs the creative powers of the psyche.” (Nor Hall) Tonight! Dark o Moon Vernal Equinox Magic
cahoot let us be metaphoric first responders Monday, March 20th 9 pm edt 6 pm pdt Audio only (by phone or computer & replay
after) - cause sometimes it’s good to be in the invisible realms by donation 5s are magic $23 encouraged, but whatever feels fun... with Caroline W Casey, chief Trickster at Coyote Network News astro*mytho*politico guiding Spring Strategy Story from her witchery outside Washington DC not “what’s gonna happen? but what's available with which to cooperate?" inter-weaving with Seán Pádraig O’Donoghue Bardic Green Man Mythological herbalist-healer-poet from the Northern Forests
of Western Maine a metaphoric feast to honor the Vernal Green Fire with which to renew our dedications. Celtic Valley Ceramics (ceramic tile) Dark o Moon Equinox…
before the New Moon Tide - (Tomorrow Tuesday 1:23 pm edt) at 0+ Aries, the degree of the Selkie - Seal Woman, whom Sean Padraig O’Donoghue, will welcome… “A woman emerging from the Sea - a seal is embracing her.” In Celtic and Norse mythology, selkies (also spelled silkies, sylkies, selchies) or selkie folk (Scots: selkie fowk) meaning 'seal folk'[a] are mythological beings capable of therianthropy, changing from seal to human form by shedding their skin. They are found in folktales and mythology originating from the Northern Isles of Scotland. We gather with the selkie
part of our Dream Selves on the shore, (audio only cahooting guided reverie) to craft our craft, in our vessel…. which we stir - but do not put a lid on the brewing magic… Let our dedicated Craft be our Craft, and our Vessel be our our Vessel… a Cauldron of Dreams, from which to ladle out, and
spiral forth Symbiotic Mutualism… preparing for Pluto’s entrance into Aquarius
(March 23rd!) - which animates our dedication to Mutual Aid…. Bio-mimicry and Mutual Aid - be the sine qua non for the resilient blooming of life on our beautiful home planet... Then to set sail in our vessel this Night, as in Inanna’s little round woven coracle boat… as metaphoric First
Responders, agents of responsive cool-out in a hot reactive world… "Solve et Coagula,” guide the Neptunian Piscean Realms, “Dissolve and re-imagine!” Let’s Dissolve cruelty and dominance, out of the human repertoire in the Neptunian Pluto
vessel Positive intrigue - for all willing and available to be accomplices: "Take the zircon to Foppa - and tell him we move tonight!" (Richard Farina) Isn’t this cool: vessel (n.) c. 1300, "container," from Old French vessel "container, receptacle, barrel; ship" (12c., Modern French vaisseau) from Late Latin vascellum "small vase or urn," also "a ship," alteration of Latin vasculum, diminutive of vas "vessel." Sense of "ship, boat" is found in English from early 14c. "The association between hollow utensils and boats appears in all languages". Meaning "canal or duct of the body" (especially for carrying blood) is attested from late 14c. {Online Etymology Dictionary}
Dark o Moon,
traditionally the time to guide culture. A grand time to release our resistance,
dissolving any impediments to "dreeing
our weird, “ “playing our role in destiny!”… We be choosing what we take with us (personally and collectively) to be brought alive in fresh expression with the Equinox New Moon... First we light the hearth fire, dedicated to Community well-being - Vesta, Jupiter, Chiron - quintile Mars - woof-woof, our seasonal guide… Then we dissolve the up-to no good, all grievance and resentment, and the trip wires that provoke us into the hot polarity that feeds the dementors…
Craft means “power from dedication.” Saturn in Pisces…our
dedication be our tiller…. Preparation for tonight… Let us each wonder, "What is my deepest dedication.”
Bring the answer and/or the wondering tonight, and we shall woof-woof them all tonight...
craft (n.) Old English cræft (West Saxon, Northumbrian), -creft (Kentish), "power, physical strength, might," from Proto-Germanic *krab-/*kraf- (source also of Old Frisian kreft, Old High German chraft, German Kraft "strength, skill;" Old Norse kraptr "strength, virtue"). The ultimate etymology is uncertain. Sense expanded in Old English to include "skill,
dexterity; art, science, talent" (via a notion of "mental power"), which led by late Old English to the meaning "trade, handicraft, employment requiring special skill or dexterity," also "something built or made." The word still was used for "might, power" in Middle English. Use for "small boat" is first recorded 1670s, probably from a phrase similar to vessels of small craft and referring
either to the trade they did or the seamanship they required, or perhaps it preserves the word in its original sense of "power." {Online Etymology Dictionary} Arianrhod, Celtic Sky Goddess by Judith Shaw Then we set sail… with plants and planets, and
the caravan of mentors…… all teachings that quicken the goodness in humans to participate… “Magic is a willingness to cooperate with everything!"
We pack: Dandelion flowers, Red Clover,
Violet flowers, Cleavers…. Schisandra, St Johns Wort, Radishes, Beets, Ginger, Turmeric, Onions, Leeks, Garlic… bouncing our lymph in watery rhythm, limbering our fascia… “Tight fascia leads to fascism,” sayeth Wilhelm Reich Taking with us all the stories, words, myths and metaphors that ever were or will be… all our not-yet finished projects brought
alive, with the Green Fire of renewed dedicated enthusiasm! Woo-Hoo- Swoosh… If we paddle together - we can do the necessary miracles
The Aesclepions at Sea... “Cool of the Day…”
We gather 3 & 1/2 hours after the moment of Equinox…
the Vernal imprint for the Season… The Equinoctial Moon, 18+ Pisces “finding fellow travelers on the
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