The year of woofy women drawing to a close – the era of Woofy Women unfurling. Mars on a troubadour bard Vision Quest…May all worthy men dedicate themselves to be calm-weaving
Wizards. Winter Solstice is the birthday of King Arthur, who has been awaiting the worlds call, at a time of great danger, to return, with all the Intelligences of Leadership, from all traditions, dedicated to collective well-being… Calm-weaving Yang to court Woofy Yin “tyrants don’t care if they are hated, as long as the people don’t love the Earth.” We love the Earth! Winter Solstice Magic
Music and Metaphor are the incarnational garb where by power enters the world with 3 Woofy Women Caroline W Casey Astro*Mytho*Politico Guiding Story & With wondrous accomplices Amikaeyla Gaston
Carolyn Brandy
Drumming & Calling in
what and whom we need to make it happen.
Wednesday, December 21 8 pm est / 5 pm pst Zoom (Video · Audio · Phone Option) Video & Audio Replay Available After Donation by generous intuitive whim somewhere betwixt $5 minimum, and a bazillion trickster dollars Still Point – Yosemite, Brer Ron Kauk “Time is motion. Stillness is Eternity. “ The
Solstice is their converging Let’s Step into the still point, “The Traveling Now” (as Eskarena the Witch calls it) Where we are available to Mystery, Out of which Liberating Bodhi Satva Coyote Citizen Trickster, keeper of democracy, keeper of democratic animism, be born in our hearts…this night!
Dive into bleakness to bring back joy: ********************************************* “What’s gonna happen?” is not the question but rather “What's available with which to cooperate…?!” Co-operators are standing by!
As, we convene (5 pm pst) 8 pm est… Look how enthused the sky story be to cahoot with us… On Earth as it is in Heaven… 10+ Leo rising, “Children swinging beneath the shade of a huge Oak Tree, borrowed strengths of ancient traditions; roots of all spirit traditions in Nature Mysticism…" So "the innocent dignity of our child hearts," be present.. The Sun will have just entered Capricorn & Jupiter will have just entered Aries, Dec 20th, 6:32 am est… Fresh telling of the Old Stories brings them alive. The stories of participatory animism…Mutual Aid Community of All Beings is the antidote to tyranny. To protect what we love, adapt the strategies of what we love, We be getting ready for action, ready for
Positive Intrigue: “Take the zircon to Foppa - and tell him we move tonight!” (Richard Farina) and Pluto at degree of America’s Pluto return, re-birth of democracy experiment, if we go way down to illuminate the dark... Chiron the Centaur-Mentor stationing… Direct on Dec 23rd, (which is Cats Christmas…*) Mentors be the antidote to dementors…. And quintiles (72 degree angles) abounding! The Moon in free-range, Sagittarius quintiles Saturn! and Mars, retro, on vision quest, quintiles Jupiter! (will be translated into energetic availability…) Irresistible eloquence for all who raise their hands… and bestowing on our gathering - the capacity to open portals between worlds… Woo-Hoo... If we entertain the possibility that we be moving into a time of increased serendipitous synchronicity , it thus behooves us to calibrate our inner dedication, so as to magnetize customized opportunity... Saturnalia! “Autonomy is a sacrament.” and Saturn be the Intelligence of Rhythm… By the power of the drumming, May we all awaken, “self-possessed,” Rather than merely “possessed." We welcome our primary sufficient dedication: “Dance us into place, where we can do the most good, have the most fun, and contribute our gifts to the Community, in a manner of Reciprocal Blessing…" at this Time of Dire
Beauty and necessary miracles... And of course, as we have done together, since I first learned the chant from Star Hawk in 1981… “The Longest Night - the wheel is turning - what shall we give to the Night?” Into the cauldron, all "nyah-nyah"… resentment,. cruelty, non-useful dread, tyranny etc..Feel (Free to start making lists now) and what liberating blessings shall we ladle out , and waft into the Memosphere?! (like-wise start making
lists…) *Cats as Mentors…. Cats Christmas’ tradition is that one might gather, everyone bringing presents for the cats of the house, and surplus to go to other cat families…and one would bring something one wanted to read to all, a pithy poem, a tale…(Cats like humans by the
warm hearth telling stories…) Winter solstice goat, Yuri Vasnetsov |