Celtic Trickster Full Moon Mid-Winter Magic Conjuring for Reciprocal Blessing
Pragmatic Mysticism
Applied Divination
Call and Response - betwixt Wonder and Guiding
Caroline W Casey
Chief Trickster Witch at Coyote Network News
guiding astro mytho cultural guiding narrative…
Question is
not “what’s gonna happen?
but what’s available with which to cooperate?
Co-operators are standing by!
Sean Padraic O’Donoghue
Brigid, Mid-Winter
Celtic Lore
Seán Pádraig O’Donoghue is an herbalist, teacher, and Earth poet living in western Maine. He is an initiated priest of the Feri and Crossroads traditions, and the author of Courting the Wild Queen and The Forest Reminds Us Who We Are.
We gather
Tonight, February 3rd
at 9:30 pm est
6:30 pm pst
(will be recorded)
Minutes before exact mid-Winter….
Ritual Magic specificity….
as Persephone lights her candle, and begins ascending from the Underworld,
and we with her...
by donation - (encouraged $23… or more!
Help to keep your bards warm and safe this Winter)
(that contribution feel liberating, rather than impedimental…)
Windfalls of Wherewithal for all!