Yo Team O Sane Reverent Accomplices Positive Intrigue Tonight! Mighty Confluencing of the Tribes… Trickster
Training Council, dedicated for decades, and Election Magic Council, convening last 5 weeks, and you all, invited allies…. that we use all our skills to cooperate with all we love to engage in the art of necessary
miracles Not “What’s gonna happen?" - but "what’s available with which to cooperate!" Here we be, aligning with the liberating symmetry of now, Our choreographic gliding into participatory accord... with the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse just before dawn on election day in Washington DC... Total Lunar Eclipse collage from 2015 by Cory Schmitz to find out when to observe - and participate! with the Lunar Eclipse: https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/lunar/2022-november-8 in DC: 3:02 am Moon enters the outer part of the Earth’s Shadow. Partial eclipse begins at 4:09 am
The entire Moon will turn coppery red, from the simultaneous sunrises and sunsets around the Earth, from 5:17 am est until 6:42 am est- woo-hooooo!
The Sun projects the Earth’s Shadow on to the Moon - We see shadow…. Unh-unhh- nefarious naughtiness…
We - all- see you…. Into the Cauldron of Oblivion... from whence emerges the Volcano of Magic. And magic is simply a willingness to cooperate with everything... All skull-duggery to be
eclipsed by the frisky vitality of the Moon as she emerges from the shadow - as voting in person begins… Dark Money becomes Light…… (Colleague Pat Ewing has been guiding Trickster Council, and Election Magic Council - and now all of us - into a fun and effective metaphoric animation reverie…) Liberating the Money... 'Mythologiae' Book 3, Cap.17. Moon Goddess with torch, serpents, and dog c 1616 The Moon, exalted in Taurus, incarnational sensuality, exactly conjoins Uranus in Taurus, full on participatory
animism Bio-mimicry… Humans, with manners, humbly cooperating with Nature's Guiding Genius. Participatory animism… All life is on the ballot, and all that we love in Nature is voting through us into human
culture... Moon and Uranus, exactly opposite Sun rising at 16+ Scorpio = “Woman made fertile by her own spirit!" Huge influx of Women, Youth, vote, invisible to orthodoxy - rising… blue turquoise, iridescent
wave helping all to swoosh over impediments to voting... (Priming the pump for all to of us to write:) Headlines: "More Women voted than ever before in US election...Women's autonomy up-held.” “Largest Youth Vote in History" “All pundits: “wow were we obediently wrong" - retire to contemplative cave (with micro-dose option….) “Liberating Wave Sweeps across the Earth - all wrongly imprisoned,
“The Witches’ Ride” Sketch by J. Copland Election Eve · True-Halloween Council Tonight! Monday, November 7th, 2022 (exact mid-season-Gate of Power) 9 pm et / 6 pm pt Audio Only (Phone or Web Broadcast) Recording Available After A grand confluencing of our all allies
welcomed, by donation 5’s, 2’ or 3’s are fun... $23, $5... $5,000... Woo-Hoo! with Caroline Casey, astro*politico*mytho navigational narrative and Election Magic colleague, Patricia Ewing, and jaunty songs, whereby to diaspora with dynamic serenity, proffered by Deborah Felmeth Statue of Liberty with Crown of Roses, collage design by ally Rita Fielder What Qualities do we most want to cultivate, to best navigate the wild ride unfurling before us..? Like Quan Yin surfing in on a Green Wave of Earth Honoring…
Calm, yet ingeniously responsive…
Quan Yin riding the dragon Holding Steady!! Being grounded (while defusing
bombs…) Stationing Mars, having presided over the Brazillian election, (what Mars are we electing? Lula Mars! in Cancer conjoining Saturn - Mars dedicated to protecting life!) quintiles Chiron = “bombs that fail to explode…” So that anything up to no good fizzles like a wet firecracker fart! Statue of Freedom atop the US Capitol Cultivating an atmosphere of Beautiful Safety… and Saturine Accountability as the sine quan non of democracy... In our own, and candidates communications (Sun and Mercury quintile Pluto) let it be 1/3rd alert to threats… 2/3rds - invitation to dedicate to the
desirable … Dance in the Moonlight (Theodor Severin, 1857) In ancient Greek Astrology – the Moon is the People…. that the populace be
liberated, cleansed of delusion (“de-ludo” = “out of the Game.) That tyranny, cruelty and greed
be eclipsed from the human repertoire… So much to magnetize (Venus), animate (Mars)- and together spiral forth the
desirable into the Memopshere… Dedication metabolizes fear into effective serenity...
And Sharing again, same as last week, because still so pertinent The Visionary Activist Radio Show Last Thursday, November 3rd Caroline hosted long-time indefatigable ally of all life, Star Hawk, whose life-long dedication has been a syncretizing of the political magical realms: myriad ways to participate. Let’s feel ourselves in resonant accord with the Choreography of Creation. Listen to Replay: Election Magic Radio https://coyotenetworknews.com/radioshow/return-starhawk/ And, our Election Magic Council & Trickster ally, Elana Auerbach, created a Guide to the Berkeley Elections on Medium: https://medium.com/@elanaauerbach/berkeley-2022-elections-cheat-sheet-45f753d9c43 Elana shares, “We have an extraordinary opportunity during the November 2022 City of Berkeley Election cycle to change the status quo, revive the progressive tendencies of this great city and once again see bold, visionary and compassionate leadership in the City of Berkeley.” |