Deliberate Dedication to Democracy - Equinox Magic Re-Storying Equilibrium tonight! 6 pm pt 9 pm et Caroline W Casey & Amikaeyla Gaston reunite to reunite (with possibly some incarnate and disincarnate spirits chiming in…) astro*mytho*politico Autumnal Guiding to bring in accountability, as the sine qua non of democracy...wise leadership, democratic animism, by intuitive donation (suggested $23, or something with 2’s, 3’s, 5’s...)
The unified King and Queen from the alchemical Philosophia Reformata (1622) Johann Daniel Mylius
Equal Night & Day, Equal Mars & Venus, Equal humans & the rest of our kin…. The effective delight of cahooting with Ami, is we can say, think, feel what we need personally and collectively, and Ami can really call it in!…
Calling in satisfying accountability….
"Good news folks we can tell MAGA people we are flying them to a Trump rally and we can drop them off in Siberia. It’s not a crime." and inviting in inspirational goodness, Yvon’s chart = very our imminent election.
The Mountain Astrologer magazine September 15 at 1:11 PM
Yvon Chouinard is giving Patagonia (family owned company), away to a trust created to address climate change and protect undeveloped land worldwide. (Estimated value: $3 billion, generates $100 million annually in
profits.) Check out the nodal axis: what a beautiful display of Taurus-Scorpio. He was born two days after total lunar eclipse at 14°52’ Taurus (which you can see in the natal wheel). He is also in Uranus return. Note: this is a sunrise chart, no birth time. “Hopefully this will influence a new form of capitalism that doesn’t end up with a few rich people
and a bunch of poor people. We are going to give away the maximum amount of money to people who are actively working on saving this planet.” (as quoted in NY Times)
wise leadership, within and without - Yea! Saturn = “White Dove Descends Bearing a Message of Peace.” trines Mars = “Woman gives rousing speech on behalf of the Earth!” all of us, rousing grrrr, regardless of gender... & Democratic Animism Here be our working-guiding chart tonight….note exact Uranus Taurus-Venus Virgo trine…. So liberating language craft be especially effective.. "Magic is simply a willingness to cooperate with everything.” Everything a conversational dance partner. humming within and without…us all… Venus opposes Neptune, re-minding is that metaphor and music are the incarnational garb whereby power enters the world…. Uranus and Venus form grand trine in earth - to
Earth the desirable Vision... Time to gather our wits in Equanimity…for the big electoral inaugurating adventure unfurling before us...
and here be the Equinox chart, that we shall delineate…hum….
Venus be at the US Neptune degree, intimacy with the soul of the country…. Mars quintile Jupiter- so by fresh expression the story be animated, a living dance partner….
The last gig Ami and I did together was Friday the 13th of May (Bioneers, Palace of Fine Arts) Twas a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, Sun in Taurus, Moon
in Scorpio…
This imminent election 11.8.22 is the corresponding reverse, Full Moon Lunar Eclipse… Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Taurus
So our magic be
here be the link to listen to Bioneers presentation, free to all, encourage listening… tis handing the baton to us for this Equinox, and this election...
Christi Belcourt, Water Song
and election magic council brewing, magnetizing deft accomplices, that may be you?! Woof* Woof* Wanna* Play?! send a brief application: we are emphatically up for voting, full on participating, via the magic of astro
politico cahooting, participating in all races dedicated to collective well-being…