Deep Grief & Mad Whimsy-
cahoot this Mid-Summer
Summer Solstice audio feast,
of Myth, Magic & Music
as the incarnational garb whereby Power enters the World.
With 2 story-telling women
Beloved Accomplice Deborah Felmeth (songstress, cross-pollinating cultural bard betwixt Syria and Vermont, and more...)
Caroline Casey (astro*mytho*politico Sheherezadian guide)
Mid-Summer Night's Eve
Monday, June 20th
9 pm eastern / 6 pm pacific
at our usual convening Trickster Council time...
Opening the doorway to all to audio attend, (by phone or computer)
by donation:
Yes, I want to participate in filling my magic back-pack with blessings of Safety and Solace,
and lullabies of Liberating Lightning...
whereby to participate in Dreaming the Desirable Story into being...
here's my donation, guided by intuitive whimsy:
Live Event can be joined by Phone, Web-Call, or Broadcast Online
Replay will be available on the same event page directly after the council concludes
Let's toast each other with the sacrament of Majnoun ("crazy for the Divine!")
All attending invited to have a libation at their side, for periodic "Woof-Woof!"toasting...
of our guest Mentors,
that they be companions throughout this unfurling Season...
From this Sol-Stice (Sun stands still, as we shall gather at the still-point of the wild storm)
of planting our dedications)
to Harvest at the Virgo time - unto Autumnal Equinox
"Drinking the Words"
Where're we be,
tis a powerful opportune time to enter into the Big Spiraling Cooperative Conversational Dance,
everything is a dance partner -
even scary things...
When meeting demons in Underworld, etiquette encourages us to always query
"What's your story?"
and here's our Mid-Summer's Eve Story
Bre'er Rabbit:
"De're were times when all the critters used to gather to segachuate,
just like there ain't been no hard times, like there ain't been no falling out,
like everyone remembered they were all kin."
The Big Song - the Big Poem, offer sufficient safety, via the embrace of all the Baba's,
for us to take the intuitively guided risks...
and honoring
Grief expressed as artful yearning becomes a sacrament of kinship.
as John Michael Greer says:
"If you want people to get nothing done but conflict - convince then they are on opposite sides,
Will only get heat (in an already too hot world)
2 needs is 3 - the unifying story.....
That we all be dedicated to spiraling out of Polarity,
as fellow agents of Bodhisattva Quan Yin Coyote Dragon
Deborah will guide us in the realms of micro-macro body: "How we decide to live together -cooperatively- will define the health of our immune system..."
all one family in conversation...
"Our Heart is a spiral meeting of slow and fast - in flow, letting go of carbon dioxide, out flow- spiraling oxygen to the brain and lungs-
then to everywhere...
This will set the rhythm of our convening - enter slow, release carbon dioxide, spiral out, replenished and aligned..
Remember Amaji would whisper in our ears
(a good heart murmur to "mamama" to ourselves now...
to feel the supportive embrace of Big Mama, as anti-dote to non-useful dread)
We welcome Motherwort
tincture (if you have any on hand)
Mugwort...loves borders and protection...
and dreaming...
In Ukraine and many places , Mugwort is burned on the Summer Solstice (as we shall do)-
for the protection necessary for expansive dreaming...
Caroline will reference Max Dashu's telling of the tale:
"Chernobyl means mugwort" and the maiden initiated by serpents,
but who forgets their guiding Wisdom...
at our finale:
together we shall spiral forth
*Blessings of Safety and solace from all the Baba's/Grandmothers...
Our audio Convening,
back-stage to the next morning's Solstice
All below horizon, but for Ceres-Demeter-dwarf planet, goddess of the Earth, in Cancer - sign of Big Mama...
We work for her...
If we were to arise before Sunrise on Solstice morn - we would see a glorious sight,
the heliacal rise of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Moon, Saturn...
the return of what's been lost or forgotten...
Solstice when Mercury, incantational Magic, hands the baton to the Moon, Big Mama...
and where be the Moon?
in woof-woof Aries with Jupiter - Intelligence of Blessing and Story..
Big Mama returns to world stage leadership - and she is aroused!
and the chart of next morning's Solstice