Venus to retrograde to begin her descent into the beautiful dangerous Dark, and we with her,
to retrieve the beautiful useful Capricornian art of leadership...
Simultaneously, Chiron- the Centaur-Mentor- stations to go forward- outward, at the “crystal-gazer” degree…Holding steady the image of
The Return of The Mentor Magi
(We’re definitely inhaling back the powerful day of January 6th-Epiphany, 12th Night…)
(and for bonus points: Venus, Pluto quintile Chiron, granting irresistible eloquence, which opens the portals between worlds...)
The year closes with the final Saturn-Uranus square…
That our rogue species have sufficient manners to humbly cooperate with Nature’s Guiding design Genius...
So - It behooves us to consider our dedications, entertain the possibility we are all entering into a field of
Redemptive Trickster booking agency …
We are the molecules with which the Big Story speaks to itself through the magic of synchronicity…
“If you provide the metaphors & music - we backstage ancestors will provide the molecules…” sayeth the Between Worlds Community of Solstice Woof!